Thursday, July 10, 2008

Zero Percent?

OK, so I decided to get my daily dose of insanity by reading the American Family Association's latest spiel.

I find this article entitled:

Homosexual Researchers "in Denial":

Incidentally, I thought I knew how to interpret fundy scare quotes, but why "in denial" needs quotes escapes me.

Anyway, the story starts with this the usual appeal to authority:

A West Coast psychologist believes pro-homosexual researchers are not being honest regarding children raised in homosexual homes.

Dr. Trayce Hansen took a close look at studies done by homosexuals in which they concluded that children suffer no adverse affects when raised by homosexuals. But she contends the studies prove there is harm.
The harm ?
According to Hansen, the studies actually reveal that boys raised by lesbians are more feminine than other boys, and girls raised by lesbians are more masculine than other girls.
I guess she might be right, but I wouldn't know. I don't even know what she means by masculine and feminine, but apparently lesbians have awesome power. The not only feminize boys, they masculinize (is that a word?) girls.

Or maybe they just treat boys and girls the same.
Young adults who were raised by openly homosexual parents were more likely to engage in homosexuality and to later self-identify as bisexual or homosexual -- and it's quite a stark difference"
Now we're getting somewhere. STARK DIFFERENCES!!!
She notes that 24 percent of children raised by homosexuals or lesbians had experiences with the same gender, while zero percent raised by heterosexuals leaned in that direction.

"Zero percent raised by heterosexuals leaned in that direction."

So, no gay people have straight parents?



Fannie Wolfe said...

"Young adults who were raised by openly homosexual parents were more likely to engage in homosexuality and to later self-identify as bisexual or homosexual -- and it's quite a stark difference"

They say that like it's a bad thing.


Jane Know said...

Hahaha! Hilarious. What's sad is that they expect people to actually believe that. And sadder still, some people will believe it.

John said...

"They say that like it's a bad thing."

I was thinking the same thing, but what really gets me is the part "were more likely to engage in homosexuality".

I did not read the actual study, but I seriously doubt that conclusion.

There is no doubt in my mind that children raised by gay parents are more likely to feel less guilt about whatever their sexuality is, but I can't believe that parental influence has much, if anything to do with a child's orientation.

And what does "engaging in homosexuality" even mean?

I think their talking about sex acts again.
