Friday, June 15, 2007

Being at the ConCon

Thank you to our straight friends Allan and Brandi, who came out to support us.

Thank you to Andy Apperson, photographer and historian, who is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Andy volunteered his time to take pictures and video of this momentous occasion. His girlfriend Liz wanted to assist, but was needed at work.

Ray and I sign the requests for a marriage license!

I like the sign in the background that points the way to the Freedom Trail. Notice the HRC equality sticker on it?

Tom Lang and Aaron Toleos at our victory supper!

Dr. Patricia Gozemba, Professor Emeritus at Salem State College at the Boston GLBT History Project fund raiser turned victory celebration later the same day. Dr. Gozemba, Karen Kahn, and Marilyn Humphries are the Authors of Courting Equality.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Loved the pictures -

And grats!

(I especially loved the one with the equality sticker. Nice eyes, catching that!)