Chapter 265: Section 43A. Criminal harassment; punishment
Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts over a period of time directed at a specific person, which seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, shall be guilty of the crime of criminal harassment and shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such conduct or acts described in this paragraph shall include, but not be limited to, conduct or acts conducted by mail or by use of a telephonic or telecommunication device including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications or facsimile communications.
I am currently looking into allegations that some of our opponents are in violation of this and other laws geared to protect the gay community from hate. I will update this thread as information becomes available.
Bringing light to civil rights, religion, and politics. Scroll down to continue to the articles and blog.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Food for Thought
I would say that Kris Mineau's need to hire Arno Political Consultants to help them gather names shows two things about his organization. They knew they had neither the backing of the public to give their signatures fairly, nor the manpower to even collect signatures properly. I suspect we are talking about a very small but furiously active group of people that include Article 8, Mass Resistance, and Massachusetts Family Institute. I don't believe there is any level of duplicity that this group will not stoop to.
Consider some facts for me:
1. No one hires Arno Political Consultants without knowing about their past record of signature fraud. At the Election Committee Hearing last year Kris Mineau's group preemptively attacked Angela McElroy's character. She testified that she was taught by her boss at Arno Political Consultants how to gather fraudulent signatures by lying to people what the petition was for. I believe the attack on her character was an attempt to discredit her testimony and flies in the face of her obvious truths. She did a piece for Fox 25 News that you can watch from the main (aka KTN) site.
2. If you hire someone to help you that is known to create fraud, you obviously don't care about the fraud they are about to create on your behalf.
3. There has to be a logical reason why you would resort to fraud, and that reason would most likely be that you could not have gathered the signatures legitimately.
4. If you cannot collect the necessary signatures because you do not have the manpower, it shows you do not have much support. This is something they desperately want to keep from the public.
5. If the public perceives there is popular support for a cause it will create a "band wagon" effect, and more people will support that cause. The opposite effect is also true. If a group is too small its size hinders recruitment.
6. KTN was destined to expose the fraud being created, that is why it was important to discredit them. The opposition no doubt has read The Art of War, and make an attempt to discredit KTN before the website was even up, saying that posting people’s names was intimidation. We have learned from Carl Rove that misinformation can keep a lie afloat a long time, and is a valuable resource for the people dishonest enough to use it.
7. By sending opponent bloggers to the KTN blog dedicated to repeating the mantra of the Massachusetts Family Institute, (posting the names of people who signed the petition is intimidation) they have accidentally exposed their Achilles heel. By fraudulently posting as many different people they have drawn attention to why this dishonesty would be necessary. The law of Ockham's razor would dictate the most obvious to be true; they lack the manpower to do the job properly.
I speculate that this state is being held hostage by a small handful of people who are virulently against not only gay marriage, but the gay community in general. I believe they have deep pockets that are being filled by sources outside of Massachusetts, and the outside groups have a vested interest in stopping gay marriage here in Massachusetts before it spreads to their states and towns. Who are these people? Most likely they are religious organizations bent on making sure gay marriage does not impact their cash flow. God is big business, and this is about as ugly as the lobbying of big tobacco.
The organized opposition to gay marriage in Massachusetts is the true group that has no concern for the public, and the damage their hate has already rendered is testimony to that truth. They have proven themselves dishonest and willing to lie on top of a lie in order to keep their web of deceit woven.
Consider some facts for me:
1. No one hires Arno Political Consultants without knowing about their past record of signature fraud. At the Election Committee Hearing last year Kris Mineau's group preemptively attacked Angela McElroy's character. She testified that she was taught by her boss at Arno Political Consultants how to gather fraudulent signatures by lying to people what the petition was for. I believe the attack on her character was an attempt to discredit her testimony and flies in the face of her obvious truths. She did a piece for Fox 25 News that you can watch from the main (aka KTN) site.
2. If you hire someone to help you that is known to create fraud, you obviously don't care about the fraud they are about to create on your behalf.
3. There has to be a logical reason why you would resort to fraud, and that reason would most likely be that you could not have gathered the signatures legitimately.
4. If you cannot collect the necessary signatures because you do not have the manpower, it shows you do not have much support. This is something they desperately want to keep from the public.
5. If the public perceives there is popular support for a cause it will create a "band wagon" effect, and more people will support that cause. The opposite effect is also true. If a group is too small its size hinders recruitment.
6. KTN was destined to expose the fraud being created, that is why it was important to discredit them. The opposition no doubt has read The Art of War, and make an attempt to discredit KTN before the website was even up, saying that posting people’s names was intimidation. We have learned from Carl Rove that misinformation can keep a lie afloat a long time, and is a valuable resource for the people dishonest enough to use it.
7. By sending opponent bloggers to the KTN blog dedicated to repeating the mantra of the Massachusetts Family Institute, (posting the names of people who signed the petition is intimidation) they have accidentally exposed their Achilles heel. By fraudulently posting as many different people they have drawn attention to why this dishonesty would be necessary. The law of Ockham's razor would dictate the most obvious to be true; they lack the manpower to do the job properly.
I speculate that this state is being held hostage by a small handful of people who are virulently against not only gay marriage, but the gay community in general. I believe they have deep pockets that are being filled by sources outside of Massachusetts, and the outside groups have a vested interest in stopping gay marriage here in Massachusetts before it spreads to their states and towns. Who are these people? Most likely they are religious organizations bent on making sure gay marriage does not impact their cash flow. God is big business, and this is about as ugly as the lobbying of big tobacco.
The organized opposition to gay marriage in Massachusetts is the true group that has no concern for the public, and the damage their hate has already rendered is testimony to that truth. They have proven themselves dishonest and willing to lie on top of a lie in order to keep their web of deceit woven.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Criminal Investigation Continues
The signature gathering for the anti-gay marriage petition has been under a criminal investigation. Although the petition was certified by the Attorney General's office and the ability to move forward in the legislature has been granted by the SJC, the criminal investigation of how those signatures were gathered still continues. That is because Arno Political Consultants were hired to "help" gather signatures, and they use real criminals to do their dirty work. They collect signatures by any means necessary, including lies. Their incentive was great, a dollar or more PER SIGNATURE. When pressed by Senator Augustine, Chairman of the Election Committee to explain how many signature gatherers Kris Mineau had that were actual citizens of the Commonwealth he reluctantly responded, "About five." This is one of the main reasons that this vote should not go forward, because the signatures were not gathered properly. We will never know if this was the will of the people of this state thanks to the duplicity of the "Moral Majority".
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
From the Edge of Insanity
I have been having conversations with the new personalities that have manifested themselves on the blog, and although there are new names, it is the same old game. They come there on the attack immediately picking fights, and when the regular bloggers fight back, our defensive actions are "spun" into an offensive assault.
Tony is our new resident hater, but he has feelings and doesn't like it when people make fun of him. Back in his first post ever on the blog he managed to squeeze in 14 insults that I counted, a new record for a first timer. He goes on, and on, and on, and then wonders why we don't want to talk to him in a respectful back and forth dialog. I realize that I advocate being kind and understanding in order to lower the walls and get something accomplished between the two opposing sides, but I can't sit back idle while someone is as verbally abusive as Tony is. Perhaps I should have been the bigger man, but his unnecessary attacks seem to warrant a counter offensive. My real concern is making sure we don't let our anger take us over the edge, lest we be perceived no different than our opposition by the neutral masses that in the end will swing the vote in our direction. We have to fight ignorance with information, and hatred with love. Once again I am going to try to put on my "happy face" and go deal with those who want to call my very existence a threat to society. Tried in the courts of popular opinion and convicted although no crime has been perpetrated, we as the gay community will not sit quietly as the world pretends not to see the injustice.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A majority of PollingPoint respondents (54%) feel that homosexual behavior is not morally wrong, compared to 39% of you who do think it is morally wrong. Fifty percent of you believe gay couples should be allowed to marry, 18% prefer civil unions and not marriage, and 31% believe there should be no legal recognition of gay couples at all.
Age seems to play an important role in determining positions on this question. While majorities of those under the age of 45 support full marriage rights for gay couples, the rest were more divided among preference for marriage, civil unions or no legal recognition. 70% of those 18 to 24 support full gay marriage.
I think I struck a nerve when I commented that the opposition is fighting a losing battle and running out of time. The next generation is about to start making itself known, and they understand well that equality is for everyone, not just those who feel morally superior.
What do you think might be eating them?
Q. What percentage of American males have experienced a homosexual encounter?
A. 30%
Kinsey's findings are rightfully criticized because they are not based on a probability sample, none of the participants were randomly selected; his inflated estimation of the homosexual population ought to be abandoned in favor of the most recent, controlled estimations which put the homosexual population between 1-3%. If only 3% of men are gay and 30% of them had a homosexual experience in their lives, then there must be a lot of men out there with a guilty conscience. Some of them will spend the rest of theirs lives cursing gays for the remorse they feel.
Right. So what determines whether a behavior is desirable?
Here's my two cents:
(1) Does the behavior harm anyone, esp. in comparison to the alternatives?
(2) Does the behavior help anyone, esp. in comparison to the alternatives?
If {(1) = no & (2) = no}, the behavior is neutral.
If {(1) = yes & (2) = no}, the behavior is not desirable.
If {(1) = no & (2) = yes}, the behavior is desirable.
If {(1) = yes & (2) = yes}, we must weigh the positive and negative effects, and whichever is greater determines desirability.
the American Psychological Association asserts that homosexual or bisexual orientations are not a mental illness, and therefore that it is inapropriate to treat them as such.
One of the most notorious perpetuators of anti-gay myths is former member of the American Psychological Association Paul Cameron. Cameron was expelled from the American Psychological Association in May 1982 for severely flawed research; he was subsequently put under investigation by the American Sociological Association for unethical conduct [6]. The ASA concluded in a 1985 publication that Cameron
has consistently misinterpreted and mispresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism.
... has repeated campaigned for the abrogation of the civil rights of lesbians and gay men, substantiating his call on the basis of his distorted interpretation of this research [7]
Paul Cameron has since founded the Family Research Institute in 1982 with the intention to "generate empirical research on issues that threaten the traditional family, particularly homosexuality, AIDS, sexual social policy, and drug abuse" [8]. Cameron is responsible for some of the most bizarre myths about homosexuals, including the myth that 44% of mass murderers are homosexuals and that 2/3 of gay men "ingest a biologically significant amount of feces" [9].
"Homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles"
This myth derives from the tendency of communities to stereotype disliked minorities as dangers to the majority, it is reminiscent of the myth that the majority of rapes are assaults on white women by black men [10] and a myth in the Middle Ages that Jews were routinely kidnapping and crucifying Christian children [11].
The myth that homosexuals are pedophiles is published by Paul Cameron's group, in which they concluded that 1/3 of all child molestations are caused by 1-3% of the population (homosexuals) [12]. Many similar myths are reported in a "study" called Fag Facts: Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent lives.
In short, Cameron's methodology is significantly problematic:
the assumption that all male-male molestations are committed by homosexuals without assessing the actual orientation of the sex offenders. If the sex offended committed an act against a child of the same sex, that offender was, by Cameron's definition, a homosexual [13].
the assumption that molestation is motivated by sexual arousal. According to therapist Joe Kort:
Herek points out that child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to "actions," without implying any "particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator." In other words, not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles. Pedophilia can be viewed as a kind of sexual fetish, wherein the person requires the mental image of a child--not necessarily a flesh-and-blood child--to achieve sexual gratification. Rarely does a pedophile experience sexual desire for adults of either gender. They usually don't identify as homosexualĂthe majority identify as heterosexual, even those who abuse children of the same gender. They are sexually aroused by youth, not by gender. In contrast, child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults, but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence and controlling their humiliated victims. [14]
In contrast to Cameron's claims, almost all methodologically sound studies independently confirm that homosexuals are no more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals:
Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? (1994), by Carol Jenny et al analyzes 269 children from a child sexual abuse clinic at a regional children's hospital. Of the 219 abused girls, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a lesbian. Of the 50 abused boys, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a gay man. The study concludes:
Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons (1978), by A. Nicholas Groth compares the sexual orientation of 175 randomly selected sex offenders against the gender of their victims. While young girls were victimized twice as often as young boys, there were no examples of sex offenders who were homosexual in orientation. The study concludes:
The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.
[edit]"Gays live 30 to 40 years fewer than heterosexuals"
Anti-gay researcher Paul Cameron deduced from his study called "Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS" that the average lifespans of homosexuals was shortened by up to three decades than of average heterosexuals [15]. The methodology of the study is explained as follows:
The age distribution of AIDS deaths of males who have sex with males [MSM] was estimated from obituaries in the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper. Statistics from the 2003 HIV/AIDS Surveillance Supplemental Report are highly congruent with deaths of MSM due to AIDS from these obituaries. [ibid.]
Cameron says his sample of gays is gathered from more than 10,000 obituaries collected from gay publications all over the United States [16]; in other words, Cameron's studies are based on a convenience sample of homosexual deaths, not a probability sample.
A sampling of homosexuals who die of AIDS based on newspaper obituaries is not an adequate sample to make generalizations of an entire population. Newspapers and magazines do not publish randomly selected obituaries, and submitted obituaries do not come from randomly selected families; among those excluded from this kind of sampling [17]:
Any homosexual whose family who does not submit an obituary to a newspaper
Any homosexual who was in the closet about their homosexuality
Any homosexual who kept their homosexuality a secret from their family
Any homosexual who did not have a family to submit an obituary
Any homosexual whose obituary do not include a cause of death
Any homosexual whose obituary is not published by an editor. Editors are selective about the obituaries they publish, they may not include individuals who were not prominent in the community.
Community newspapers may tend to overwhelmingly report deaths due to AIDS than other causes
Cameron's study is so fatally methodologically flawed that it is essentially worthless as an estimation of the life expectancy of gays and lesbians. By the same "methodology", one could just as easily deduce that lesbians are 300 time more likely to die in car crashes than females in general [18].
Note: I've been searching for a good abstract on the life expectancy of homosexuals and lesbians on google, but all I've been able to find are sites repeating Cameron's "research". I think it would be important to include real statistics along side the myth. --Yahweh 06:14, 26 November 2005 (GMT)
[edit]AIDS is a gay disease
While it is true that the majority of people with AIDS in North America and Europe are males who are either exclusively or predominantly homosexual, a large percentage of AIDS victims in North America and Europe became infected with HIV through heterosexual contact, the sharing of infected needles, or (in the early days of AIDS) blood transfusions.
In Africa, most AIDS victims are heterosexuals of both sexes.
Statistics of Homoseuals in the US
In conclusion:
1. There is enough proof to give the benefit of the doubt to gays when they say they are not gay by choice.
2. Since being gay is not a crime we should not deny people rights based soley on that fact.
3. There are many different cultures and religions that are both for and against homosexuality. The conflict of religious beliefs is resolved by allowing people to think and practice what religion they choose.
4. The pursuit of hapiness is an inalienable right.
5. Gay marriage in no way reduces or restricts the right of someone who does not wish to practice it.
6. Stating that gay marriage will cause social degridation is speculation, and has not been made evident in Massachusetts even after two years and thousands of marriages. This is also a double standard since heterosexual couples are not scrutinized as to whether their union will harm the public.
7. If the SJC was hijacked and their ruling invalid, where are the lawyers?
8. Voting on the rights of a minority group is unconstitutional in spirit. No group's rights were ever to become so great as to be able to dictate the rights of the minority class. Thomas Jefferson, in his 1st inaugural address in 1801 said, "Although the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable. The minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression".
Tony is our new resident hater, but he has feelings and doesn't like it when people make fun of him. Back in his first post ever on the blog he managed to squeeze in 14 insults that I counted, a new record for a first timer. He goes on, and on, and on, and then wonders why we don't want to talk to him in a respectful back and forth dialog. I realize that I advocate being kind and understanding in order to lower the walls and get something accomplished between the two opposing sides, but I can't sit back idle while someone is as verbally abusive as Tony is. Perhaps I should have been the bigger man, but his unnecessary attacks seem to warrant a counter offensive. My real concern is making sure we don't let our anger take us over the edge, lest we be perceived no different than our opposition by the neutral masses that in the end will swing the vote in our direction. We have to fight ignorance with information, and hatred with love. Once again I am going to try to put on my "happy face" and go deal with those who want to call my very existence a threat to society. Tried in the courts of popular opinion and convicted although no crime has been perpetrated, we as the gay community will not sit quietly as the world pretends not to see the injustice.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A majority of PollingPoint respondents (54%) feel that homosexual behavior is not morally wrong, compared to 39% of you who do think it is morally wrong. Fifty percent of you believe gay couples should be allowed to marry, 18% prefer civil unions and not marriage, and 31% believe there should be no legal recognition of gay couples at all.
Age seems to play an important role in determining positions on this question. While majorities of those under the age of 45 support full marriage rights for gay couples, the rest were more divided among preference for marriage, civil unions or no legal recognition. 70% of those 18 to 24 support full gay marriage.
I think I struck a nerve when I commented that the opposition is fighting a losing battle and running out of time. The next generation is about to start making itself known, and they understand well that equality is for everyone, not just those who feel morally superior.
What do you think might be eating them?
Q. What percentage of American males have experienced a homosexual encounter?
A. 30%
Kinsey's findings are rightfully criticized because they are not based on a probability sample, none of the participants were randomly selected; his inflated estimation of the homosexual population ought to be abandoned in favor of the most recent, controlled estimations which put the homosexual population between 1-3%. If only 3% of men are gay and 30% of them had a homosexual experience in their lives, then there must be a lot of men out there with a guilty conscience. Some of them will spend the rest of theirs lives cursing gays for the remorse they feel.
Right. So what determines whether a behavior is desirable?
Here's my two cents:
(1) Does the behavior harm anyone, esp. in comparison to the alternatives?
(2) Does the behavior help anyone, esp. in comparison to the alternatives?
If {(1) = no & (2) = no}, the behavior is neutral.
If {(1) = yes & (2) = no}, the behavior is not desirable.
If {(1) = no & (2) = yes}, the behavior is desirable.
If {(1) = yes & (2) = yes}, we must weigh the positive and negative effects, and whichever is greater determines desirability.
the American Psychological Association asserts that homosexual or bisexual orientations are not a mental illness, and therefore that it is inapropriate to treat them as such.
One of the most notorious perpetuators of anti-gay myths is former member of the American Psychological Association Paul Cameron. Cameron was expelled from the American Psychological Association in May 1982 for severely flawed research; he was subsequently put under investigation by the American Sociological Association for unethical conduct [6]. The ASA concluded in a 1985 publication that Cameron
has consistently misinterpreted and mispresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism.
... has repeated campaigned for the abrogation of the civil rights of lesbians and gay men, substantiating his call on the basis of his distorted interpretation of this research [7]
Paul Cameron has since founded the Family Research Institute in 1982 with the intention to "generate empirical research on issues that threaten the traditional family, particularly homosexuality, AIDS, sexual social policy, and drug abuse" [8]. Cameron is responsible for some of the most bizarre myths about homosexuals, including the myth that 44% of mass murderers are homosexuals and that 2/3 of gay men "ingest a biologically significant amount of feces" [9].
"Homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles"
This myth derives from the tendency of communities to stereotype disliked minorities as dangers to the majority, it is reminiscent of the myth that the majority of rapes are assaults on white women by black men [10] and a myth in the Middle Ages that Jews were routinely kidnapping and crucifying Christian children [11].
The myth that homosexuals are pedophiles is published by Paul Cameron's group, in which they concluded that 1/3 of all child molestations are caused by 1-3% of the population (homosexuals) [12]. Many similar myths are reported in a "study" called Fag Facts: Fags live filthy, unhealty, dangerous, unhappy, and in many cases, violent lives.
In short, Cameron's methodology is significantly problematic:
the assumption that all male-male molestations are committed by homosexuals without assessing the actual orientation of the sex offenders. If the sex offended committed an act against a child of the same sex, that offender was, by Cameron's definition, a homosexual [13].
the assumption that molestation is motivated by sexual arousal. According to therapist Joe Kort:
Herek points out that child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to "actions," without implying any "particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator." In other words, not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles. Pedophilia can be viewed as a kind of sexual fetish, wherein the person requires the mental image of a child--not necessarily a flesh-and-blood child--to achieve sexual gratification. Rarely does a pedophile experience sexual desire for adults of either gender. They usually don't identify as homosexualĂthe majority identify as heterosexual, even those who abuse children of the same gender. They are sexually aroused by youth, not by gender. In contrast, child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults, but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence and controlling their humiliated victims. [14]
In contrast to Cameron's claims, almost all methodologically sound studies independently confirm that homosexuals are no more likely to abuse children than heterosexuals:
Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? (1994), by Carol Jenny et al analyzes 269 children from a child sexual abuse clinic at a regional children's hospital. Of the 219 abused girls, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a lesbian. Of the 50 abused boys, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a gay man. The study concludes:
Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons (1978), by A. Nicholas Groth compares the sexual orientation of 175 randomly selected sex offenders against the gender of their victims. While young girls were victimized twice as often as young boys, there were no examples of sex offenders who were homosexual in orientation. The study concludes:
The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.
[edit]"Gays live 30 to 40 years fewer than heterosexuals"
Anti-gay researcher Paul Cameron deduced from his study called "Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS" that the average lifespans of homosexuals was shortened by up to three decades than of average heterosexuals [15]. The methodology of the study is explained as follows:
The age distribution of AIDS deaths of males who have sex with males [MSM] was estimated from obituaries in the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper. Statistics from the 2003 HIV/AIDS Surveillance Supplemental Report are highly congruent with deaths of MSM due to AIDS from these obituaries. [ibid.]
Cameron says his sample of gays is gathered from more than 10,000 obituaries collected from gay publications all over the United States [16]; in other words, Cameron's studies are based on a convenience sample of homosexual deaths, not a probability sample.
A sampling of homosexuals who die of AIDS based on newspaper obituaries is not an adequate sample to make generalizations of an entire population. Newspapers and magazines do not publish randomly selected obituaries, and submitted obituaries do not come from randomly selected families; among those excluded from this kind of sampling [17]:
Any homosexual whose family who does not submit an obituary to a newspaper
Any homosexual who was in the closet about their homosexuality
Any homosexual who kept their homosexuality a secret from their family
Any homosexual who did not have a family to submit an obituary
Any homosexual whose obituary do not include a cause of death
Any homosexual whose obituary is not published by an editor. Editors are selective about the obituaries they publish, they may not include individuals who were not prominent in the community.
Community newspapers may tend to overwhelmingly report deaths due to AIDS than other causes
Cameron's study is so fatally methodologically flawed that it is essentially worthless as an estimation of the life expectancy of gays and lesbians. By the same "methodology", one could just as easily deduce that lesbians are 300 time more likely to die in car crashes than females in general [18].
Note: I've been searching for a good abstract on the life expectancy of homosexuals and lesbians on google, but all I've been able to find are sites repeating Cameron's "research". I think it would be important to include real statistics along side the myth. --Yahweh 06:14, 26 November 2005 (GMT)
[edit]AIDS is a gay disease
While it is true that the majority of people with AIDS in North America and Europe are males who are either exclusively or predominantly homosexual, a large percentage of AIDS victims in North America and Europe became infected with HIV through heterosexual contact, the sharing of infected needles, or (in the early days of AIDS) blood transfusions.
In Africa, most AIDS victims are heterosexuals of both sexes.
Statistics of Homoseuals in the US
In conclusion:
1. There is enough proof to give the benefit of the doubt to gays when they say they are not gay by choice.
2. Since being gay is not a crime we should not deny people rights based soley on that fact.
3. There are many different cultures and religions that are both for and against homosexuality. The conflict of religious beliefs is resolved by allowing people to think and practice what religion they choose.
4. The pursuit of hapiness is an inalienable right.
5. Gay marriage in no way reduces or restricts the right of someone who does not wish to practice it.
6. Stating that gay marriage will cause social degridation is speculation, and has not been made evident in Massachusetts even after two years and thousands of marriages. This is also a double standard since heterosexual couples are not scrutinized as to whether their union will harm the public.
7. If the SJC was hijacked and their ruling invalid, where are the lawyers?
8. Voting on the rights of a minority group is unconstitutional in spirit. No group's rights were ever to become so great as to be able to dictate the rights of the minority class. Thomas Jefferson, in his 1st inaugural address in 1801 said, "Although the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable. The minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression".
Friday, July 21, 2006
Police Probe Link in Two Homicides
Police Probe Link in Two Homicides
by Peter Cassels
EDGE National News Editor
Wednesday Jul 19, 2006
The Boston Police Department is refusing to state publicly whether there’s a link between two recent murders, one in the South End in April and the other in the Fenway last weekend, but it is said to be investigating the possibility. Both deaths resulted from blunt force trauma.
Police said July 17 that the death of William Taylor, 66, who was found July 15 in his second-floor apartment at 15 Park Drive, has been ruled a homicide, the city’s 40th this year. Officer Michael McCarthy, a police spokesperson, said an autopsy showed that Taylor died of blunt force trauma.
Another man, David Hall, 43, was found beaten to death in his East Berkeley Street apartment April 7. Hall’s mother told the Boston Globe at the time that police had to identify her son through dental records, because his body was too battered to easily identify. That death also was ruled a homicide, police have reported.
According to members of the gay community, Hall was last seen leaving the Eagle, a gay bar on Tremont Street not far from his apartment, hours before his body was discovered.
On July 18, the Globe reported that police sources said there may be a link, but McCarthy told EDGE that he could not comment on an ongoing investigation. "I don’t know where the Globe reporter got the information that they are related," McCarthy said. "I can tell you that as crimes like this occur homicide investigators are always mindful of potential similarities. If similarities exist they would be the subject of a comprehensive investigation."
Building residents told the Globe that police have visited the Park Drive apartment since Taylor’s body was found and have canvassed the area, asking neighbors whether they saw or heard anything unusual. Residents said police have suggested the crime was not a random break-in. Video cameras cover the building’s front and rear entrances and police are said to be examining videotapes to determine if any strangers entered the building in the time immediately before Taylor’s body was discovered.
Benjamin Perkins, director of The Men’s Action Life Empowerment Center, a gay resource center in the South End affiliated with the AIDS Action Committee, told EDGE in a telephone interview that such incidents should motivate gay men to be more cautious.
"I think there’s always going to be some concern, especially if based on what we hear from the Boston police, if there’s some connection that will heighten the concern."Asked whether he believes the gay community is nervous, Perkins replied, "I think there’s always going to be some concern, especially if based on what we hear from the Boston police, if there’s some connection that will heighten the concern. It’s often very easy when nothing does happen to sort of not think about it, so this bursts the bubble of safety that many of us may have."
Perkins added that many in the gay community are on vacation at this time of year, so it’s hard to determine the degree of concern. "If this had happened in the fall or winter, it probably would be easier to get a gauge on what people are thinking."
Emily Pitt, director of the Violence Recovery Program, a gay counseling center that is part of the Fenway Community Health Center, told the Globe that when violence happens in the gay community, everyone feels at risk. "People feel, ’It could have happened to me,’ usually because it could have," Pitt said.
In a telephone interview July 18, Pitt told EDGE it’s hard to say whether there’s a specific increase in violence against gay men in Boston. "We have heard subjective reports but I don’t have any documentation," she explained.
Pitt added that her office compiles anti-gay hate-crime data annually and that she will not have a 2006 report until the end of the year. She did report a 30 percent increase in such crimes in 2004, a figure that remained unchanged in 2005. In 2004, the Violence Recovery Program saw spikes in hate crimes in February and March, when anti-gay rhetoric was on the increase because of the gay marriage debate during the state Constitutional Convention. "When there is a lot of antigay rhetoric, the rate of violence does go up," she pointed out.
The AAC’s Perkins told EDGE there are steps members of the gay community should take to deter the possibility of violence, especially in Internet dating. In workshops, he emphasizes "making sure that you let someone know where you’re going and meet people in a public place." Talking to a potential date on the phone first also helps one assess the situation, he said.
Perkins cautioned about the role alcohol plays in impairing judgment. "If you’re out in a club and have had too much to drink, look at whether that lowers your inhibitions," he counseled. "Be a little cautious. Whether there is someone out there inflicting violence or not, these are things that should be second nature."
by Peter Cassels
EDGE National News Editor
Wednesday Jul 19, 2006
The Boston Police Department is refusing to state publicly whether there’s a link between two recent murders, one in the South End in April and the other in the Fenway last weekend, but it is said to be investigating the possibility. Both deaths resulted from blunt force trauma.
Police said July 17 that the death of William Taylor, 66, who was found July 15 in his second-floor apartment at 15 Park Drive, has been ruled a homicide, the city’s 40th this year. Officer Michael McCarthy, a police spokesperson, said an autopsy showed that Taylor died of blunt force trauma.
Another man, David Hall, 43, was found beaten to death in his East Berkeley Street apartment April 7. Hall’s mother told the Boston Globe at the time that police had to identify her son through dental records, because his body was too battered to easily identify. That death also was ruled a homicide, police have reported.
According to members of the gay community, Hall was last seen leaving the Eagle, a gay bar on Tremont Street not far from his apartment, hours before his body was discovered.
On July 18, the Globe reported that police sources said there may be a link, but McCarthy told EDGE that he could not comment on an ongoing investigation. "I don’t know where the Globe reporter got the information that they are related," McCarthy said. "I can tell you that as crimes like this occur homicide investigators are always mindful of potential similarities. If similarities exist they would be the subject of a comprehensive investigation."
Building residents told the Globe that police have visited the Park Drive apartment since Taylor’s body was found and have canvassed the area, asking neighbors whether they saw or heard anything unusual. Residents said police have suggested the crime was not a random break-in. Video cameras cover the building’s front and rear entrances and police are said to be examining videotapes to determine if any strangers entered the building in the time immediately before Taylor’s body was discovered.
Benjamin Perkins, director of The Men’s Action Life Empowerment Center, a gay resource center in the South End affiliated with the AIDS Action Committee, told EDGE in a telephone interview that such incidents should motivate gay men to be more cautious.
"I think there’s always going to be some concern, especially if based on what we hear from the Boston police, if there’s some connection that will heighten the concern."Asked whether he believes the gay community is nervous, Perkins replied, "I think there’s always going to be some concern, especially if based on what we hear from the Boston police, if there’s some connection that will heighten the concern. It’s often very easy when nothing does happen to sort of not think about it, so this bursts the bubble of safety that many of us may have."
Perkins added that many in the gay community are on vacation at this time of year, so it’s hard to determine the degree of concern. "If this had happened in the fall or winter, it probably would be easier to get a gauge on what people are thinking."
Emily Pitt, director of the Violence Recovery Program, a gay counseling center that is part of the Fenway Community Health Center, told the Globe that when violence happens in the gay community, everyone feels at risk. "People feel, ’It could have happened to me,’ usually because it could have," Pitt said.
In a telephone interview July 18, Pitt told EDGE it’s hard to say whether there’s a specific increase in violence against gay men in Boston. "We have heard subjective reports but I don’t have any documentation," she explained.
Pitt added that her office compiles anti-gay hate-crime data annually and that she will not have a 2006 report until the end of the year. She did report a 30 percent increase in such crimes in 2004, a figure that remained unchanged in 2005. In 2004, the Violence Recovery Program saw spikes in hate crimes in February and March, when anti-gay rhetoric was on the increase because of the gay marriage debate during the state Constitutional Convention. "When there is a lot of antigay rhetoric, the rate of violence does go up," she pointed out.
The AAC’s Perkins told EDGE there are steps members of the gay community should take to deter the possibility of violence, especially in Internet dating. In workshops, he emphasizes "making sure that you let someone know where you’re going and meet people in a public place." Talking to a potential date on the phone first also helps one assess the situation, he said.
Perkins cautioned about the role alcohol plays in impairing judgment. "If you’re out in a club and have had too much to drink, look at whether that lowers your inhibitions," he counseled. "Be a little cautious. Whether there is someone out there inflicting violence or not, these are things that should be second nature."
Monday, July 17, 2006
Grandfathering Gay Marriage
Here is a quick post that I would like all to consider. Let us say for argument's sake that gay marriage is defeated by popular vote in 2008. The opponents of gay marriage keep telling us that those who are already married can keep their marriages, the petition is designed only to prevent anyone in the future from getting married to the same sex. This is all in the name of protecting society, family values, the children, and the institution of marriage. Let's say for argument's sake that we agree with that position. How can we say on one hand that gay marriage is so dangerous that even the most benevolent of our society cannot handle the responsibility, but then say we are going to leave several thousand of these gay marriages around anyway, just because they came first? If all gay marriages are negatively impacting society, then do you really think it is appropriate to leave any of them around? Won't this priveledged few have the same negative effect people are so worried about?
Think about this and feel free to share your thoughts.
Think about this and feel free to share your thoughts.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Here is the Hypocracy of Christianity Today
Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol and worship it instead of me.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Why is it that we can break any of these commandments... ALL of these commandments and still be afforded the equality and dignity of marriage by the United States Government, yet simply being gay is so terrible that we should deny ANYONE marriage based soley on that unchangable atribute, rather than judging their individual merits. Why must the gay community be held to a standard the heterosexual community does not hold itself to? How do the opponents of gay marriage justify their crusade without admitting they are imposing Christian values on citizens that do not wish to follow or believe them?
The Ten Commandments
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol and worship it instead of me.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Why is it that we can break any of these commandments... ALL of these commandments and still be afforded the equality and dignity of marriage by the United States Government, yet simply being gay is so terrible that we should deny ANYONE marriage based soley on that unchangable atribute, rather than judging their individual merits. Why must the gay community be held to a standard the heterosexual community does not hold itself to? How do the opponents of gay marriage justify their crusade without admitting they are imposing Christian values on citizens that do not wish to follow or believe them?
Friday, July 07, 2006
Taking the fight out of a Hater

It seems that hard work does have its rewards. Tyler Dawbin has been making a pest of himself since the begining of, and probably a lot longer than that in other venues. He receeded from KTN several times before making it permanent, and now has decided to change his hate filled blogsite to prevent comments. I welcome the change as it weakens his voice. Everybody knows that private sites like his struggle for readership, and only those that allow comments maintain an audience. He has already made the mistake of showing other people's opinions are getting to him, and in doing so shown weakness. Now more than ever it is clear that we must fight harder and try harder, for even the oppostion's most vehement and active members have their limits. Our fight is slowly gaining ground. With every post, with every effort, there is a possibility that we will get through and change the heart of someone new... even Tyler Dawbin. We have to fight back against these false profits and educate people who are ignorant to the dangers hate spreads. My door is open to all those who would be my friend, even to Tyler, who is resistent to change his stripes. Know that your love for your partner, your indignation for being oppressed, and the voices of our friends will spread like fire until we have equality across the nation, for all people.
Tyler has taken down his website formerly called "know thy homosexual opponent" and admitted he works for Article 8 Alliance. Baby steps towards a better world? We shall see, but it is encouraging.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Make a Difference on July 12th
Bad Guys
These are the Senators and representatives that voted against Marriage Equality in 2004 that are still in office. Scroll down further to see who represents you in your own home town. If anyone makes my list that has changed their vote in favor of gay marriage, contact me immediately and their name will be removed from this list. Contact me at for error corrections or additions.
*Stephen M. Brewer, D-Barre - Y
*Robert S. Creedon Jr., D-Brockton - Y
*John A. Hart Jr., D-Boston - Y
*Robert L. Hedlund, R-Weymouth - Y
*Richard T. Moore, D-Uxbridge - Y
*Michael W. Morrissey, D-Quincy - Y
*Marc R. Pacheco, D-Taunton - Y
*Steven C. Panagiotakos, D-Lowell - Y
*Bruce J. Ayers, D-Quincy - Y
*John J. Binienda, D-Worcester - Y
*Garrett J. Bradley, D-Hingham - Y
*Arthur J. Broadhurst, D-Methuen - Y
*Jennifer M. Callahan, D-Sutton - Y
*Christine E. Canavan, D-Brockton - Y
*Gale D. Candaras, D-Wilbraham - Y
*Mark J. Carron, D-Southbridge - Y
*Paul C. Casey, D-Winchester - Y
*Edward G. Connolly, D-Everett - Y
*Michael J. Coppola, R-Foxboro - Y
*Robert Correia, D-Fall River - Y
*Geraldine Creedon, D-Brockton - Y
*Robert A. DeLeo, D-Winthrop - Y
*Viriato Manuel deMacedo, R-Plymouth - Y
*Brian S. Dempsey, D-Haverhill - Y
*Paul J. Donato, D-Medford - Y
*Joseph R. Driscoll, D-Braintree - Y
*Lewis G. Evangelidis, R-Holden - Y
*James H. Fagan, D-Taunton - Y
*David L. Flynn, D-Bridgewater - Y
*John P. Fresolo, D-Worcester - Y
*Paul K. Frost, R-Auburn - Y
*Susan W. Gifford, R-Wareham - Y
*Anne M. Gobi, D-Spencer - Y
*Emile J. Goguen, D-Fitchburg - Y
Brian Paul Golden, D-Boston - Y
*Thomas A. Golden Jr., D-Lowell - Y
*Shirley Gomes, R-South Harwich - Y
*William G. Greene Jr., D-Billerica - Y
*Geoffrey D. Hall, D-Westford - Y
*Robert S. Hargraves, R-Groton - Y
*Bradford Hill, R-Ipswich - Y
*Donald F. Humason Jr., R-Westfield - Y
*Frank M. Hynes, D-Marshfield - Y
*Bradley H. Jones Jr., R-North Reading - Y
*Michael F. Kane, D-Holyoke - Y
*Paul Kujawski, D-Webster - Y
*Stephen P. LeDuc, D-Marlboro - Y
*John A. Lepper, R-Attleboro - Y
*Paul J. Loscocco, R-Holliston - Y
*Ronald Mariano, D-Quincy - Did not vote
*James R. Miceli, D-Wilmington - Y
*James M. Murphy, D-Weymouth - Y
*David M. Nangle, D-Lowell - Y
*Harold P. Naughton Jr., D-Clinton - Y
*Robert J. Nyman, D-Hanover - Y
*Thomas J. O'Brien, D-Kingston - Y
*Eugene L. O'Flaherty, D-Chelsea - Y
*Shirley Owens-Hicks, D-Boston - Y
*Marie J. Parente, D-Milford - Y
*Jeffrey D. Perry, R-Sandwich - Y
*George N. Peterson Jr., R-Grafton - Y
*Thomas M. Petrolati, D-Ludlow - Y
*Elizabeth A. Poirier, R-North Attleboro - Y
*Karyn E. Polito, R-Shrewsbury - Y
*Susan W. Pope, R-Wayland - Y
*John F. Quinn, D-Dartmouth - Y
*Mary S. Rogeness, R-Longmeadow - Y
*John H. Rogers, D-Norwood - Y
*Michael F. Rush, D-Boston - Y
*Angelo M. Scaccia, D-Boston - Y
*Joyce A. Spiliotis, D-Peabody - Y
*Walter F. Timilty, D-Milton - Y
*A. Stephen Tobin, D-Quincy - Y
*Philip Travis, D-Rehoboth - Y
*James E. Vallee, D-Franklin - Y
*Anthony J. Verga, D-Gloucester - Y
*Joseph F. Wagner, D-Chicopee - Y
*Brian P. Wallace, D-Boston - Y
*Patricia A. Walrath, D-Stow - Y
*Daniel K. Webster, R-Hanson - Y
Here is who they represent:
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Cory Atkins:- precincts one, two, and six
Representative James B. Eldridge:- precincts three, four, and five
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative Robert M. Koczera
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Ellen Story
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Barry R. Finegold:- precincts two, three, five, four, six, and nine
Representative Barbara A. L'Italien:- precincts one, seven, and eight
Senator Robert A. O'Leary
Representative Eric T. Turkington
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative Anne M. Paulsen:- precincts two and four
Representative J. James Marzilli, Jr.:- precincts one, three, five to thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, and nineteen
Representative Jay R. Kaufman.:- precincts fourteen, seventeen, twenty, and twenty-one
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
House Seat Vacant
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Tom Sannicandro
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Scott P. Brown:-precincts one, two, three A
Senator James E. Timilty:-precinct three B
Representative John A. Lepper:-precincts one, two, and three A
Representative Elizabeth A. Poirier:-precinct three B
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Paul K. Frost
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert O'Leary:-precincts one to nine, and thirteen
Senator Therese Murray:-precincts ten to twelve
Representative Demetrius J. Atsalis:- precincts one through four, six, eight, nine to thirteen
Representative Matthew Patrick :- precincts five and seven
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry:- precincts ten to twelve
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Charles A. Murphy
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg :- precincts A and D
Senator Brian P. Lees:- precincts B and C
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati:- precincts Band C
Representative Stephen Kulik :- precinct A and D
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Steven A. Tolman
Representative Anne M. Paulsen
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David B. Sullivan
Senator Harriete L. Chandler
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Mary E. Grant
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative William G. Greene, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Robert E. Travaglini:- ward one precincts one to fourteen, ward three (precincts one to six) and ward five (precinct three)
Senator Jack Hart:-ward 1, precinct 15, wards 6, 7 and 13, ward 14, precincts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 to 14, inclusive, wards 15, 16 and 17, ward 18, precincts 1 to 6, inclusive, and 21
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios :- ward two (all precincts), ward twenty-one (precincts four, six, and seven) and ward twenty-two (precincts one, two, and five)
Representative Brian P. Wallace.:- ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precincts one to nine), and ward thirteen (precincts three and six)
Senator Dianne Wilkerson:- ward three (precincts seven and eight), ward four (precincts one to six, eight and nine), ward five (precincts one, four to eight, and eleven), ward eight (all precincts), ward nine (all precincts), ward ten (all precincts), ward eleven (all precincts), ward twelve (all precincts), ward fourteen (precincts three, six to eleven), and ward nineteen (precincts one to nine)
Senator Marian Walsh:- ward eighteen (precincts seven to twenty, twenty-two and twenty-three), ward nineteen (precincts ten, eleven to thirteen) and ward twenty (all precincts)
Senator Steven A. Tolman:- ward four (precincts seven and ten), ward twenty-one (precincts one to three, five and eight to sixteen) and ward twenty-two (precincts three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen)
Representative Anthony Petruccelli:- ward one (all precincts) and the Boston HarborIslands
Representative Eugene L. O'Flaherty:- ward two (all precincts)
Representative Salvatore F. DiMasi:- ward three (precincts one to four and six to eight), ward four (precinct one), ward five (precinct one) and ward eight (precincts one, two and six)
Representative Byron Rushing:- ward four (precincts two, three, four, five, six and seven), ward five (precincts two and ten), and ward nine (precincts one, two and three)
Representative Gloria L. Fox:- ward four (precincts eight, nine and ten), ward eight (precincts three and four), ward nine (precincts four and five), ward eleven (precinct two and three), ward twelve (precincts one to five, eight and nine) and ward twenty-one (precinct one)
Representative Martha Marty Walz:- ward three (precinct five), and ward five (precincts three to nine and eleven)
Representative Brian Wallace:- ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine) and ward thirteen (precincts three and six)
Representative Marie P. St. Fleur :- ward seven (precinct ten), ward eight (precincts five and seven), ward twelve (precinct six), ward thirteen (precincts one, two, four, and five), ward fourteen (precincts one and four) and ward fifteen (precincts one, two three, four five, seven, eight and nine)
Representative Jeffery Sanchez:- ward ten (all precincts), ward eleven (precinct one) and ward nineteen (precincts one to five, and eight)
Representative Elizabeth A. Malia:- ward eleven (precincts four to ten), ward twelve (precinct seven), ward nineteen (precincts six, seven, nine to thirteen), and ward twenty (precincts one, two and four)
Representative Martin J. Walsh:- ward thirteen (precincts seven, eight, nine and ten), ward fifteen (precinct six), ward sixteen (precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, and ten) and ward seventeen (precincts two, three, six and nine)
Representative Shirley Owens-Hicks:- ward fourteen (precincts two, three, five to fourteen), ward seventeen (precincts one, five, seven eight, and ten), and ward eighteen (precinct three)
Representative Linda Dorcena Forry :- ward sixteen (precincts eight, eleven, and twelve), ward seventeen (precincts four, eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen) and ward eighteen (precincts one, two, four, five, six and twenty-one)
Representative Angelo M. Scaccia:- ward eighteen (precincts seven to twenty, twenty-two and twenty-three)
Representative Michael F. Rush:- ward twenty (precincts three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty)
Representative Kevin G. Honan:- ward twenty-one (precincts three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve) and ward twenty-two (precincts two, three, six, nine and ten)
Representative Michael Moran:- ward twenty-one (precincts two, four, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen) and ward twenty-two (precincts one, four, five, seven, eight, eleven, twelve and thirteen)
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Susan W. Gifford:- precincts one to three
Representative Matthew Patrick:- precincts five and six
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry:- precinct four
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill:- precincts one and three
Representative Barbara L'Italien :- precinct two
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
Senator Michael W. Morrissey:- precincts two, six to twelve
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts two, six to twelve
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll :- precincts one, three, four and five
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David L. Flynn
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Geraldine Creedon:- ward one (precincts A and C), ward two (precinct A) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Thomas P. Kennedy:- ward one (precincts B and D), ward two (precincts B, C and D), ward three (all precincts) and ward four (precincts A and D), ward five (precinct A)
Representative Christine E. Canavan:- ward four (precincts B andC), ward 5 (precincts B, C and D) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem
Representative Jeffrey Sanchez :- precincts five and fourteen
Representative Frank Israel Smizik:- precincts two to four, and six to thirteen
Representative Michael J. Moran:- precinct one
Representative Michael F. Rush:- precincts fifteen and sixteen
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative Charles A. Murphy
Senate President Robert E. Travaglini:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one and three), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts) and ward eight (precinct three)
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios:- ward three (precinct two), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (precincts one and two), ward nine (precinct one) and ward ten (precinct two)
Senator Steven A. Tolman:- ward nine (precincts two and three), ward ten (precincts one and three) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct one) ward three (precincts one and two), and ward six (precinct one)
Representative Byron Rushing:- ward two (precinct two)
Representative Martha Marty Walz:- ward two (precinct three), ward three (precinct three), and ward five (all precincts)
Representative Alice K. Wolf:- ward four (all precincts), ward six (precincts two and three), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (all precincts), and ward ten (precincts one and two)
Representative Rachel Kaprielian:- ward nine (all precincts)
Representative Anne M. Paulsen:- ward ten (precinct three) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Susan Williams Gifford
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Mark J. Carron
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins :- precincts one and nine
Representative T. Golden :- precincts two, six, and eight
Representative G. Hall :- precincts three, five, and seven
Representative D. Nangle :-precinct four
Senator Jarret T. Barrios
Representative Eugene L. O'Flaherty: wards one and two, ward three (precincts one and three), ward four (precincts one and four)
Representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein:- ward three (precincts two and four), ward four (precincts two and three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Michael R. Knapik:- ward one, three, and six to nine
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti:- ward two (all precincts), ward four (all precincts) and ward five (all precincts)
Representative Joseph F. Wagner:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precincts A, C and D), ward three (all precincts), ward six (precinct A), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Representative Sean Curran:- ward five (precinct A)
Representative James T. Welch:- ward two (precinct B), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct B)
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati:- ward six (precinct B)
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Harriette L. Chandler :- precinct three and four
Senator Robert A. Antonioni :- precinct one and two
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. :- all precincts
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative John F. Quinn
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative Robert K. Coughlin
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Patricia A. Haddad
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Lida E. Harkins
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Colleen M. Garry
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Daniel K. Webster :-precincts two to five
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien :-precincts one and six
East Bridgewater
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr. :- precincts one to three
Senator Brian A. Joyce. :- precinct four
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
East Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Mark J. Carron
East Longmeadow
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Gale D. Candaras:- precincts one and two
Representative Mary S. Rogeness:- precincts three and four
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr.:- precincts one and two
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts three to six
Representative Geraldine Creedon:- precincts one, two, four and five
Representative David L. Flynn:- precinct six
Representative Christine E. Canavan:- precinct three
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Jarret T. Barrios
Representative Edward G. Connolly
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative William M. Straus
Fall River
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Michael J. Rodrigues:- ward one (precinct A), ward five (precincts B and C), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct B) and ward eight (precinct A)
Representative Robert Correia:- ward one (precincts B, C and D), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precincts A and B) and ward five (precinct A)
Representative David B. Sullivan:- ward four (precinct C), ward seven (precincts A, C and D), ward eight (precincts B, C and D) and ward nine (all precincts)
Senator Therese Murray:- all precincts
Representative Eric Turkington:- precincts one, two, five and six
Representative Matthew Patrick:- precincts three, four, seven, eight and nine
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Emile J. Goguen
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Virginia M. Coppola
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Deborah D. Blumer:- precincts one through seven, nine, thirteen, fourteen and seventeen
Representative Tom Sannicandro:- precincts eight, eleven, twelve, fifteen, sixteen and eighteen
Senator Karen E. Spilka :- (precincts one and five to eight)
Senator Scott P. Brown:- (precincts two to four)
Representative James E. Vallee
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative David B. Sullivan:- precinct one
Representative John F. Quinn:- precinct two
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precinct three
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Robert L. Rice Jr.
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley:- precinct one
Representative Barbara L'Italien :- precinct two
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Ellen Stony
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Great Barrington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Daniel K. Webster :- precinct two
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precinct one
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Robert S. Creedon. Jr.
Representative Daniel K. Webster
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Barbara L'Italien :-ward two (precinct one and two, ward five (precinct two) and ward seven (precinct two)
Representative Brian S. Dempsey:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precincts one and two), ward five (precincts one and three) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Harriett L. Stanley:- ward four (precinct three) and ward seven (precincts one and three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll:- precinct one
Representative Ronald Mariano:- precincts two to four
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Michael F. Kane
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative John F. Quinn:- precinct one
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precincts two and three
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative James B. Eldridge:- precinct one
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.:- precinct two
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative David M. Torrisi:- ward A (precincts one and three), ward E (precincts 2 and 3) and ward F (precincts one, two and four)
Representative William Lantigua:- ward A (precincts two and four), ward B (all precincts), ward C (all precincts), ward D (precincts 3 and 4) and ward F (precinct 3)
Representative Barry R. Finegold:- ward D (precincts one and two) and ward E (precincts one and four)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative John J. Binienda
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Jennifer L. Flanagan
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert A. Havern:- precincts one, two, and four to seven
Senator Susan C. Fargo:- precincts three, eight and nine
Representative Jay R. Kaufman :- precincts one and five to nine
Representative Thomas M. Stanley :- precincts two to four
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Geoffrey D. Hall
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Thomas A. Golden, Jr.:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Representative David M. Nangle:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct three), ward four (precincts two and three), ward ten (all precincts) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Representative Kevin J. Murphy:- ward two (precincts one and two), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precinct one), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- ward one (precincts one and two)
Representative Robert F. Fennell:- ward one (precincts three and four), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one, two and three), ward four (precincts one to three) and ward five (precinct five)
Representative Douglas W. Petersen:- ward three (precinct four)
Representative Steven Myles Walsh:- ward five (precincts one, two and four), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.:- precincts one, three and four
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- precinct two
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Christopher G. Fallon:- ward two (all precincts), ward three (precinct one), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Edward G. Connolly:- ward seven (precinct two)
Representative Paul J. Donato:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precinct two), and ward seven (precinct one)
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Virginia M. Coppola precincts one, three and six
Representative Elizabeth Poirier :-precincts two and five
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precinct four
Senator Thomas McGee
Representative Douglas W. Petersen
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Frank M. Hynes
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Matthew Patrick :- precincts two, four and five
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry :- precincts one and three
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Lida E. Harkins:- precincts one and two
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precincts three and four
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Representative Paul J. Donato:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precinct one), ward seven (precinct two) and ward eight (precinct one)
Representative J. James Marzilli, Jr.:- ward three (precinct two) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.:- ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward seven (precinct one) and ward eight (precinct two)
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco :- precinct one
Representative James E. Vallee :- precincts two to four
Senator Richard R. Tisei :- wards one to five
Senator Thomas M. McGee :- wards six and seven
Representative Michael E. Festa
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Arthur J. Broadhurst:- precincts one to six, eight to twelve
Representative Barbara A. L'Italen:- precinct seven
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precincts one and five
Representative William M. Straus:- precincts three and six
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precincts two and four
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradley H. Jones :-precinct one
Representative Bradford R. Hill:-precinct two
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Paul K. Frost
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precinct one
Representative David Paul Linsky:- precincts two and three
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Walter F. Timilty:- precincts one, two, four, five, eight, nine, ten, eleven
Linda Dorcena Forry:- precinct three, six and seven
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Stephen M. Brewer
Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Mount Washington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Senator Steven Myles Walsh
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Karen E. Spilka:- precincts one, two, three, four, five and eight
Senator Scott P. Brown:- precincts six, seven, nine and ten
Representative David Paul Linsky :- precincts one to nine
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch :- precinct ten
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Lida E. Harkins
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Lida E. Harkins
New Ashford
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
New Bedford
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative Robert M. Koczera:- ward one (precincts A to E) and ward two (all precincts)
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- ward one (precincts F and G), ward three (precincts A to E), and ward four (precincts D and E)
Representative Antonio F. D. Cabral:- ward four (precincts A to C, F and G), ward five (all precincts) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative John F. Quinn:- ward three (precincts F and G)
New Braintree
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
New Marlborough
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
New Salem
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem
Representative Ruth B. Balser:- ward five (precincts one and three), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct one, three and four) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- ward one (precincts one and four) and ward three (precinct four)
Representative Kay Khan:- ward one (precinct two and three), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one and two), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct four) and ward seven (precinct two)
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
North Adams
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
North Andover
Senator Steven A. Baddour:- precincts one, four, six and eight
Senator Bruce E. Tarr:- precincts two, three, five and seven
Representative David M. Torrisi:- precincts one to six
Representative Barbara A. L'Italien. :- precincts seven and eight
North Attleborough
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Elizabeth Poirier
North Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representatvie Anne M. Gobi
North Reading
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Pamela P. Resor :- precinct three
Senator Harriette L. Chandler :- precincts one, two and four
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis :- precinct one
Representative Elizabeth Poirer :- precinct two
Representative Virginia M. Coppola :- precincts three, four and five
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative John H. Rogers
Oak Bluffs
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul K. Frost:- precincts one and three
Representative Mark J. Carron:- precinct two
Representative Paul Kujawski :- precinct four
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Robert Spellane
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Joyce A. Spiliotis: wards one, two, three, four and five
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis:- ward six
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Daniel K. Webster
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Christopher Speranzo:- ward one (precinct A), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four(all precincts), ward five (precinct A), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Denis E. Guyer:- ward one (precinct B)
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli:- ward five (precinct B)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Vinny M. deMacedo:- precincts two through ten, twelve, and fourteen
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precincts one, eleven and thirteen
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative A. Stephen Tobin:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precincts one, two and five), ward four (precincts two and four) and ward five (precincts one, three and four)
Representative Ronald Mariano:- ward two (all precincts) and ward four (precinct five)
Representative Bruce J. Ayers:- ward three (precincts three and four), ward four (precincts one and three), ward five (precincts two and five) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll:- precinct three
Representative Walter F. Timilty:- precincts one, two, four, seven and eight
Representative Bruce J. Ayers:- precincts five and six
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David L. Flynn
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.:- precincts one, four, six, seven, eight
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts two, three and five
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis
Senator President Robert E. Travaglini ward one, two, three, four, five
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios - ward six
Representative Kathi-Ann Reinstein:- ward one (precinct three), ward three (precinct one), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts one and two) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Robert A. DeLeo:- ward one (precincts one and two), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts two and three) and ward five (precinct three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Joan M.Menard
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative John D. Keenan
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry
Senator Thomas M. McGee :- precincts one, three, four, five, seven, eight and nine
Senate Jarrett T. Barrios:- precincts two, six and ten
Representative Mark V. Falzone :- precincts one, two, four to nine
Representative Kathi Ann Reinslein :- precincts three and ten
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Frank M. Hynes :- precinct one, two, four, five and six
Representative Garrett J. Bradley :- precinct three
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis
Senator James E. Timilty :- precincts one four, and five
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts two and three
Representative Louis L. Kafka
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative David Paul Linsky
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Karyn E. Polito
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Patricia A. Haddad
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios:- ward one (precinct one) and ward two (precinct one)
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen:- ward one (precincts two and three), ward two (precincts two and three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precincts one and two)
Representative Denise Provost:- ward two (precinct three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precinct three), ward five (all precincts) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.:- ward four (precincts one and two) and ward seven (all precincts)
South Hadley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco :- precincts two and three
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc :- precinct one
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Mark J. Carron
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi :- precincts two and three
Representative Mark J. Carron :- precincts one and four
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts A and B) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Brian P. Lees:- ward two (all precincts), ward five (precincts C, D, E, F, G and H), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Mary S. Rogeness:- ward six (precincts B and C)
Representative Sean Curran:- ward two (A, B, C, D, F, G and H), ward five (precincts C, D, G and H), ward 7 (precinct H) and ward eight (precincts A, B, D and H)
Representative Cheryl A. Rivera:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precincts B, C, F, G and H) and ward six (precincts A, E and G)
Representative Benjamin Swan:- ward three (precincts A, D and E), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts A, B, E and F) and ward seven (precinct A), ward 8 (precinct C)
Representative Gale D. Candaras:- ward six (precincts D, F and H) and ward seven (precincts B, C, D, E, F and G)
Representative James T. Welch: ward 2 (precinct E)
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati: ward 8 (precincts E, F and G)
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis :- precinct 1
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. :- precinct 2
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Paul C. Casey:- precincts one, two, four, five, six and seven
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts three
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin:- precinct one, five, seven and eight
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precincts two, three, four and six
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Susan C. Fargo :- precincts one and four
Senator Pamela P. Resor :- precints two, three, and five
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan :- precincts one and two
Representative Paul K. Frost :- precinct three
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Representative Douglas W. Petersen
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Philip Travis:- precincts one, three, four and five
Representative Patricia A. Haddad :- precinct two
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative James H. Fagan:- ward one (precinct B), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Patricia A. Haddad:- ward one (precinct A), ward four (precinct B) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- ward four (precinct A)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Barry R. Finegold :- precinct three and three-A
Representative James R. Miceli:- precincts one, one-A, two, two-A, four and four-A
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Colleen M. Garry
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski:- precinct three
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan:- precincts one, two and four
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- precincts one, two and seven
Representative Michael E. Festa:- precincts three, four, five and six
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative John H. Rogers:- precincts one, two, six and seven
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precincts three and four
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precinct five
Representative Robert K. Coughlin:- precinct eight
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Thomas M. Stanley:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts) and ward seven (precinct one)
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct 2), ward eight (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola:- precincts B and C
Representative Anne M. Gobi:- precinct A
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Susan Williams Gifford
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Steven A. Tolman
Representative Rachel Kaprielian:- precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven and twelve
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- precinct ten
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem:- precincts A, C, D and E
Senator Scott P. Brown:- precincts B, F and G
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
West Boylston
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative James B. Leary:
West Bridgewater
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Christine E. Canavan
West Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
West Newbury
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
West Springfield
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti
Representative James T. Welch
West Stockbridge
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
West Tisbury
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Karyn E. Polito:- precincts one and four
Representative Paul J.D. Loscocco:- precinct two
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.:- precincts three and five
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Donald F. Humason, Jr.
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Geoffrey D. Hall
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Michael J. Rodrigues
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative Robert K. Coughlin
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative James M. Murphy:- precincts one, two, three, four, seven, eight, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, seventeen and eighteen
Representative Ronald Mariano:- precincts five, six, nine, twelve, sixteen
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Gale D. Candaras
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative James R. Miceli:- precincts one, two, four, five and six
Representative Charles A. Murphy:- precinct three
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Representative Paul C. Casey
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert E. Travaglini
Representative Robert A. DeLeo
Senator Robert A. Havern:- wards one, three, four, five, six and seven
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen:- ward two
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts two, three, four, five and six
Representative Jay R. Kaufman:- precincts one and seven
Senator Harriette L. Chandler:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward nine (all precincts) and ward ten (all precincts)
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Robert P. Spellane:- ward one (precincts one, two, three and four), ward nine (all precincts), and ward ten (precinct three)
Representative James B. Leary:- ward one (precinct five), ward two (all precincts) and ward three (precincts one, three and five)
Representative Vincent A. Pedone:- ward three (precincts two and four), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct three) and ward ten (precincts one, two, four and five)
Representative John P. Fresolo:- ward five (precincts one, two, four and five), ward six (all precincts) and ward eight (precincts one and five)
Representative John J. Binienda:- ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (precincts two and four)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner:- precincts one, two, four and seven
Representative Demetrius J. Atsalis:- precincts three, five and six
These are the Senators and representatives that voted against Marriage Equality in 2004 that are still in office. Scroll down further to see who represents you in your own home town. If anyone makes my list that has changed their vote in favor of gay marriage, contact me immediately and their name will be removed from this list. Contact me at for error corrections or additions.
*Stephen M. Brewer, D-Barre - Y
*Robert S. Creedon Jr., D-Brockton - Y
*John A. Hart Jr., D-Boston - Y
*Robert L. Hedlund, R-Weymouth - Y
*Richard T. Moore, D-Uxbridge - Y
*Michael W. Morrissey, D-Quincy - Y
*Marc R. Pacheco, D-Taunton - Y
*Steven C. Panagiotakos, D-Lowell - Y
*Bruce J. Ayers, D-Quincy - Y
*John J. Binienda, D-Worcester - Y
*Garrett J. Bradley, D-Hingham - Y
*Arthur J. Broadhurst, D-Methuen - Y
*Jennifer M. Callahan, D-Sutton - Y
*Christine E. Canavan, D-Brockton - Y
*Gale D. Candaras, D-Wilbraham - Y
*Mark J. Carron, D-Southbridge - Y
*Paul C. Casey, D-Winchester - Y
*Edward G. Connolly, D-Everett - Y
*Michael J. Coppola, R-Foxboro - Y
*Robert Correia, D-Fall River - Y
*Geraldine Creedon, D-Brockton - Y
*Robert A. DeLeo, D-Winthrop - Y
*Viriato Manuel deMacedo, R-Plymouth - Y
*Brian S. Dempsey, D-Haverhill - Y
*Paul J. Donato, D-Medford - Y
*Joseph R. Driscoll, D-Braintree - Y
*Lewis G. Evangelidis, R-Holden - Y
*James H. Fagan, D-Taunton - Y
*David L. Flynn, D-Bridgewater - Y
*John P. Fresolo, D-Worcester - Y
*Paul K. Frost, R-Auburn - Y
*Susan W. Gifford, R-Wareham - Y
*Anne M. Gobi, D-Spencer - Y
*Emile J. Goguen, D-Fitchburg - Y
Brian Paul Golden, D-Boston - Y
*Thomas A. Golden Jr., D-Lowell - Y
*Shirley Gomes, R-South Harwich - Y
*William G. Greene Jr., D-Billerica - Y
*Geoffrey D. Hall, D-Westford - Y
*Robert S. Hargraves, R-Groton - Y
*Bradford Hill, R-Ipswich - Y
*Donald F. Humason Jr., R-Westfield - Y
*Frank M. Hynes, D-Marshfield - Y
*Bradley H. Jones Jr., R-North Reading - Y
*Michael F. Kane, D-Holyoke - Y
*Paul Kujawski, D-Webster - Y
*Stephen P. LeDuc, D-Marlboro - Y
*John A. Lepper, R-Attleboro - Y
*Paul J. Loscocco, R-Holliston - Y
*Ronald Mariano, D-Quincy - Did not vote
*James R. Miceli, D-Wilmington - Y
*James M. Murphy, D-Weymouth - Y
*David M. Nangle, D-Lowell - Y
*Harold P. Naughton Jr., D-Clinton - Y
*Robert J. Nyman, D-Hanover - Y
*Thomas J. O'Brien, D-Kingston - Y
*Eugene L. O'Flaherty, D-Chelsea - Y
*Shirley Owens-Hicks, D-Boston - Y
*Marie J. Parente, D-Milford - Y
*Jeffrey D. Perry, R-Sandwich - Y
*George N. Peterson Jr., R-Grafton - Y
*Thomas M. Petrolati, D-Ludlow - Y
*Elizabeth A. Poirier, R-North Attleboro - Y
*Karyn E. Polito, R-Shrewsbury - Y
*Susan W. Pope, R-Wayland - Y
*John F. Quinn, D-Dartmouth - Y
*Mary S. Rogeness, R-Longmeadow - Y
*John H. Rogers, D-Norwood - Y
*Michael F. Rush, D-Boston - Y
*Angelo M. Scaccia, D-Boston - Y
*Joyce A. Spiliotis, D-Peabody - Y
*Walter F. Timilty, D-Milton - Y
*A. Stephen Tobin, D-Quincy - Y
*Philip Travis, D-Rehoboth - Y
*James E. Vallee, D-Franklin - Y
*Anthony J. Verga, D-Gloucester - Y
*Joseph F. Wagner, D-Chicopee - Y
*Brian P. Wallace, D-Boston - Y
*Patricia A. Walrath, D-Stow - Y
*Daniel K. Webster, R-Hanson - Y
Here is who they represent:
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Cory Atkins:- precincts one, two, and six
Representative James B. Eldridge:- precincts three, four, and five
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative Robert M. Koczera
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Ellen Story
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Barry R. Finegold:- precincts two, three, five, four, six, and nine
Representative Barbara A. L'Italien:- precincts one, seven, and eight
Senator Robert A. O'Leary
Representative Eric T. Turkington
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative Anne M. Paulsen:- precincts two and four
Representative J. James Marzilli, Jr.:- precincts one, three, five to thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, and nineteen
Representative Jay R. Kaufman.:- precincts fourteen, seventeen, twenty, and twenty-one
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
House Seat Vacant
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Tom Sannicandro
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Scott P. Brown:-precincts one, two, three A
Senator James E. Timilty:-precinct three B
Representative John A. Lepper:-precincts one, two, and three A
Representative Elizabeth A. Poirier:-precinct three B
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Paul K. Frost
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert O'Leary:-precincts one to nine, and thirteen
Senator Therese Murray:-precincts ten to twelve
Representative Demetrius J. Atsalis:- precincts one through four, six, eight, nine to thirteen
Representative Matthew Patrick :- precincts five and seven
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry:- precincts ten to twelve
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Charles A. Murphy
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg :- precincts A and D
Senator Brian P. Lees:- precincts B and C
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati:- precincts Band C
Representative Stephen Kulik :- precinct A and D
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Steven A. Tolman
Representative Anne M. Paulsen
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David B. Sullivan
Senator Harriete L. Chandler
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Mary E. Grant
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative William G. Greene, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Robert E. Travaglini:- ward one precincts one to fourteen, ward three (precincts one to six) and ward five (precinct three)
Senator Jack Hart:-ward 1, precinct 15, wards 6, 7 and 13, ward 14, precincts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 to 14, inclusive, wards 15, 16 and 17, ward 18, precincts 1 to 6, inclusive, and 21
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios :- ward two (all precincts), ward twenty-one (precincts four, six, and seven) and ward twenty-two (precincts one, two, and five)
Representative Brian P. Wallace.:- ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precincts one to nine), and ward thirteen (precincts three and six)
Senator Dianne Wilkerson:- ward three (precincts seven and eight), ward four (precincts one to six, eight and nine), ward five (precincts one, four to eight, and eleven), ward eight (all precincts), ward nine (all precincts), ward ten (all precincts), ward eleven (all precincts), ward twelve (all precincts), ward fourteen (precincts three, six to eleven), and ward nineteen (precincts one to nine)
Senator Marian Walsh:- ward eighteen (precincts seven to twenty, twenty-two and twenty-three), ward nineteen (precincts ten, eleven to thirteen) and ward twenty (all precincts)
Senator Steven A. Tolman:- ward four (precincts seven and ten), ward twenty-one (precincts one to three, five and eight to sixteen) and ward twenty-two (precincts three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen)
Representative Anthony Petruccelli:- ward one (all precincts) and the Boston HarborIslands
Representative Eugene L. O'Flaherty:- ward two (all precincts)
Representative Salvatore F. DiMasi:- ward three (precincts one to four and six to eight), ward four (precinct one), ward five (precinct one) and ward eight (precincts one, two and six)
Representative Byron Rushing:- ward four (precincts two, three, four, five, six and seven), ward five (precincts two and ten), and ward nine (precincts one, two and three)
Representative Gloria L. Fox:- ward four (precincts eight, nine and ten), ward eight (precincts three and four), ward nine (precincts four and five), ward eleven (precinct two and three), ward twelve (precincts one to five, eight and nine) and ward twenty-one (precinct one)
Representative Martha Marty Walz:- ward three (precinct five), and ward five (precincts three to nine and eleven)
Representative Brian Wallace:- ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine) and ward thirteen (precincts three and six)
Representative Marie P. St. Fleur :- ward seven (precinct ten), ward eight (precincts five and seven), ward twelve (precinct six), ward thirteen (precincts one, two, four, and five), ward fourteen (precincts one and four) and ward fifteen (precincts one, two three, four five, seven, eight and nine)
Representative Jeffery Sanchez:- ward ten (all precincts), ward eleven (precinct one) and ward nineteen (precincts one to five, and eight)
Representative Elizabeth A. Malia:- ward eleven (precincts four to ten), ward twelve (precinct seven), ward nineteen (precincts six, seven, nine to thirteen), and ward twenty (precincts one, two and four)
Representative Martin J. Walsh:- ward thirteen (precincts seven, eight, nine and ten), ward fifteen (precinct six), ward sixteen (precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, and ten) and ward seventeen (precincts two, three, six and nine)
Representative Shirley Owens-Hicks:- ward fourteen (precincts two, three, five to fourteen), ward seventeen (precincts one, five, seven eight, and ten), and ward eighteen (precinct three)
Representative Linda Dorcena Forry :- ward sixteen (precincts eight, eleven, and twelve), ward seventeen (precincts four, eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen) and ward eighteen (precincts one, two, four, five, six and twenty-one)
Representative Angelo M. Scaccia:- ward eighteen (precincts seven to twenty, twenty-two and twenty-three)
Representative Michael F. Rush:- ward twenty (precincts three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty)
Representative Kevin G. Honan:- ward twenty-one (precincts three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve) and ward twenty-two (precincts two, three, six, nine and ten)
Representative Michael Moran:- ward twenty-one (precincts two, four, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen) and ward twenty-two (precincts one, four, five, seven, eight, eleven, twelve and thirteen)
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Susan W. Gifford:- precincts one to three
Representative Matthew Patrick:- precincts five and six
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry:- precinct four
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill:- precincts one and three
Representative Barbara L'Italien :- precinct two
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
Senator Michael W. Morrissey:- precincts two, six to twelve
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts two, six to twelve
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll :- precincts one, three, four and five
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David L. Flynn
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Geraldine Creedon:- ward one (precincts A and C), ward two (precinct A) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Thomas P. Kennedy:- ward one (precincts B and D), ward two (precincts B, C and D), ward three (all precincts) and ward four (precincts A and D), ward five (precinct A)
Representative Christine E. Canavan:- ward four (precincts B andC), ward 5 (precincts B, C and D) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem
Representative Jeffrey Sanchez :- precincts five and fourteen
Representative Frank Israel Smizik:- precincts two to four, and six to thirteen
Representative Michael J. Moran:- precinct one
Representative Michael F. Rush:- precincts fifteen and sixteen
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert A. Havern
Representative Charles A. Murphy
Senate President Robert E. Travaglini:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one and three), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts) and ward eight (precinct three)
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios:- ward three (precinct two), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (precincts one and two), ward nine (precinct one) and ward ten (precinct two)
Senator Steven A. Tolman:- ward nine (precincts two and three), ward ten (precincts one and three) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct one) ward three (precincts one and two), and ward six (precinct one)
Representative Byron Rushing:- ward two (precinct two)
Representative Martha Marty Walz:- ward two (precinct three), ward three (precinct three), and ward five (all precincts)
Representative Alice K. Wolf:- ward four (all precincts), ward six (precincts two and three), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (all precincts), and ward ten (precincts one and two)
Representative Rachel Kaprielian:- ward nine (all precincts)
Representative Anne M. Paulsen:- ward ten (precinct three) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Susan Williams Gifford
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Mark J. Carron
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins :- precincts one and nine
Representative T. Golden :- precincts two, six, and eight
Representative G. Hall :- precincts three, five, and seven
Representative D. Nangle :-precinct four
Senator Jarret T. Barrios
Representative Eugene L. O'Flaherty: wards one and two, ward three (precincts one and three), ward four (precincts one and four)
Representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein:- ward three (precincts two and four), ward four (precincts two and three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Michael R. Knapik:- ward one, three, and six to nine
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti:- ward two (all precincts), ward four (all precincts) and ward five (all precincts)
Representative Joseph F. Wagner:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precincts A, C and D), ward three (all precincts), ward six (precinct A), ward seven (all precincts), ward eight (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Representative Sean Curran:- ward five (precinct A)
Representative James T. Welch:- ward two (precinct B), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct B)
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati:- ward six (precinct B)
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Harriette L. Chandler :- precinct three and four
Senator Robert A. Antonioni :- precinct one and two
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. :- all precincts
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Cory Atkins
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative John F. Quinn
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative Robert K. Coughlin
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Patricia A. Haddad
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Lida E. Harkins
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Colleen M. Garry
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Daniel K. Webster :-precincts two to five
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien :-precincts one and six
East Bridgewater
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr. :- precincts one to three
Senator Brian A. Joyce. :- precinct four
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
East Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Mark J. Carron
East Longmeadow
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Gale D. Candaras:- precincts one and two
Representative Mary S. Rogeness:- precincts three and four
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr.:- precincts one and two
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts three to six
Representative Geraldine Creedon:- precincts one, two, four and five
Representative David L. Flynn:- precinct six
Representative Christine E. Canavan:- precinct three
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Jarret T. Barrios
Representative Edward G. Connolly
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative William M. Straus
Fall River
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Michael J. Rodrigues:- ward one (precinct A), ward five (precincts B and C), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct B) and ward eight (precinct A)
Representative Robert Correia:- ward one (precincts B, C and D), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precincts A and B) and ward five (precinct A)
Representative David B. Sullivan:- ward four (precinct C), ward seven (precincts A, C and D), ward eight (precincts B, C and D) and ward nine (all precincts)
Senator Therese Murray:- all precincts
Representative Eric Turkington:- precincts one, two, five and six
Representative Matthew Patrick:- precincts three, four, seven, eight and nine
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Emile J. Goguen
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Virginia M. Coppola
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Deborah D. Blumer:- precincts one through seven, nine, thirteen, fourteen and seventeen
Representative Tom Sannicandro:- precincts eight, eleven, twelve, fifteen, sixteen and eighteen
Senator Karen E. Spilka :- (precincts one and five to eight)
Senator Scott P. Brown:- (precincts two to four)
Representative James E. Vallee
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative David B. Sullivan:- precinct one
Representative John F. Quinn:- precinct two
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precinct three
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Robert L. Rice Jr.
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley:- precinct one
Representative Barbara L'Italien :- precinct two
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Ellen Stony
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Great Barrington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Daniel K. Webster :- precinct two
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precinct one
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Robert S. Creedon. Jr.
Representative Daniel K. Webster
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Barbara L'Italien :-ward two (precinct one and two, ward five (precinct two) and ward seven (precinct two)
Representative Brian S. Dempsey:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precincts one and two), ward five (precincts one and three) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Harriett L. Stanley:- ward four (precinct three) and ward seven (precincts one and three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll:- precinct one
Representative Ronald Mariano:- precincts two to four
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Michael F. Kane
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Garrett J. Bradley
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative John F. Quinn:- precinct one
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precincts two and three
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative James B. Eldridge:- precinct one
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.:- precinct two
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative David M. Torrisi:- ward A (precincts one and three), ward E (precincts 2 and 3) and ward F (precincts one, two and four)
Representative William Lantigua:- ward A (precincts two and four), ward B (all precincts), ward C (all precincts), ward D (precincts 3 and 4) and ward F (precinct 3)
Representative Barry R. Finegold:- ward D (precincts one and two) and ward E (precincts one and four)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative John J. Binienda
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Jennifer L. Flanagan
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert A. Havern:- precincts one, two, and four to seven
Senator Susan C. Fargo:- precincts three, eight and nine
Representative Jay R. Kaufman :- precincts one and five to nine
Representative Thomas M. Stanley :- precincts two to four
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Geoffrey D. Hall
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Thomas A. Golden, Jr.:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Representative David M. Nangle:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precinct three), ward four (precincts two and three), ward ten (all precincts) and ward eleven (all precincts)
Representative Kevin J. Murphy:- ward two (precincts one and two), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precinct one), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- ward one (precincts one and two)
Representative Robert F. Fennell:- ward one (precincts three and four), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one, two and three), ward four (precincts one to three) and ward five (precinct five)
Representative Douglas W. Petersen:- ward three (precinct four)
Representative Steven Myles Walsh:- ward five (precincts one, two and four), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.:- precincts one, three and four
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- precinct two
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Christopher G. Fallon:- ward two (all precincts), ward three (precinct one), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Edward G. Connolly:- ward seven (precinct two)
Representative Paul J. Donato:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precinct two), and ward seven (precinct one)
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Virginia M. Coppola precincts one, three and six
Representative Elizabeth Poirier :-precincts two and five
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precinct four
Senator Thomas McGee
Representative Douglas W. Petersen
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Frank M. Hynes
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Matthew Patrick :- precincts two, four and five
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry :- precincts one and three
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Lida E. Harkins:- precincts one and two
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precincts three and four
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Representative Paul J. Donato:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precinct one), ward seven (precinct two) and ward eight (precinct one)
Representative J. James Marzilli, Jr.:- ward three (precinct two) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.:- ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward seven (precinct one) and ward eight (precinct two)
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco :- precinct one
Representative James E. Vallee :- precincts two to four
Senator Richard R. Tisei :- wards one to five
Senator Thomas M. McGee :- wards six and seven
Representative Michael E. Festa
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Arthur J. Broadhurst:- precincts one to six, eight to twelve
Representative Barbara A. L'Italen:- precinct seven
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precincts one and five
Representative William M. Straus:- precincts three and six
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- precincts two and four
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradley H. Jones :-precinct one
Representative Bradford R. Hill:-precinct two
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Marie J. Parente
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Paul K. Frost
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precinct one
Representative David Paul Linsky:- precincts two and three
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Walter F. Timilty:- precincts one, two, four, five, eight, nine, ten, eleven
Linda Dorcena Forry:- precinct three, six and seven
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Stephen M. Brewer
Mary S. Rogeness
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Mount Washington
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Senator Steven Myles Walsh
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Karen E. Spilka:- precincts one, two, three, four, five and eight
Senator Scott P. Brown:- precincts six, seven, nine and ten
Representative David Paul Linsky :- precincts one to nine
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch :- precinct ten
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Lida E. Harkins
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Lida E. Harkins
New Ashford
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
New Bedford
Senator Mark C. Montigny
Representative Robert M. Koczera:- ward one (precincts A to E) and ward two (all precincts)
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- ward one (precincts F and G), ward three (precincts A to E), and ward four (precincts D and E)
Representative Antonio F. D. Cabral:- ward four (precincts A to C, F and G), ward five (all precincts) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative John F. Quinn:- ward three (precincts F and G)
New Braintree
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
New Marlborough
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
New Salem
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem
Representative Ruth B. Balser:- ward five (precincts one and three), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct one, three and four) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- ward one (precincts one and four) and ward three (precinct four)
Representative Kay Khan:- ward one (precinct two and three), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts one and two), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct four) and ward seven (precinct two)
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
North Adams
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
North Andover
Senator Steven A. Baddour:- precincts one, four, six and eight
Senator Bruce E. Tarr:- precincts two, three, five and seven
Representative David M. Torrisi:- precincts one to six
Representative Barbara A. L'Italien. :- precincts seven and eight
North Attleborough
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Elizabeth Poirier
North Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representatvie Anne M. Gobi
North Reading
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Pamela P. Resor :- precinct three
Senator Harriette L. Chandler :- precincts one, two and four
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis :- precinct one
Representative Elizabeth Poirer :- precinct two
Representative Virginia M. Coppola :- precincts three, four and five
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative John H. Rogers
Oak Bluffs
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul K. Frost:- precincts one and three
Representative Mark J. Carron:- precinct two
Representative Paul Kujawski :- precinct four
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Robert Spellane
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Joyce A. Spiliotis: wards one, two, three, four and five
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis:- ward six
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Daniel K. Webster
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Christopher Speranzo:- ward one (precinct A), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four(all precincts), ward five (precinct A), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Denis E. Guyer:- ward one (precinct B)
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli:- ward five (precinct B)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Vinny M. deMacedo:- precincts two through ten, twelve, and fourteen
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien:- precincts one, eleven and thirteen
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Thomas J. O'Brien
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative A. Stephen Tobin:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precincts one, two and five), ward four (precincts two and four) and ward five (precincts one, three and four)
Representative Ronald Mariano:- ward two (all precincts) and ward four (precinct five)
Representative Bruce J. Ayers:- ward three (precincts three and four), ward four (precincts one and three), ward five (precincts two and five) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Joseph R. Driscoll:- precinct three
Representative Walter F. Timilty:- precincts one, two, four, seven and eight
Representative Bruce J. Ayers:- precincts five and six
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative David L. Flynn
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr.:- precincts one, four, six, seven, eight
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts two, three and five
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis
Senator President Robert E. Travaglini ward one, two, three, four, five
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios - ward six
Representative Kathi-Ann Reinstein:- ward one (precinct three), ward three (precinct one), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts one and two) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Robert A. DeLeo:- ward one (precincts one and two), ward two (all precincts), ward three (precincts two and three) and ward five (precinct three)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Joan M.Menard
Representative William M. Straus
Senator Michael W. Morrissey
Representative Robert J. Nyman
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Anthony J. Verga
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative John D. Keenan
Senator Steven A. Baddour
Representative Michael A. Costello
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Therese Murray
Representative Jeffrey D. Perry
Senator Thomas M. McGee :- precincts one, three, four, five, seven, eight and nine
Senate Jarrett T. Barrios:- precincts two, six and ten
Representative Mark V. Falzone :- precincts one, two, four to nine
Representative Kathi Ann Reinslein :- precincts three and ten
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative Frank M. Hynes :- precinct one, two, four, five and six
Representative Garrett J. Bradley :- precinct three
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative Philip Travis
Senator James E. Timilty :- precincts one four, and five
Senator Brian A. Joyce :- precincts two and three
Representative Louis L. Kafka
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative David Paul Linsky
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative James B. Eldridge
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative Karyn E. Polito
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Patricia A. Haddad
Senator Jarrett T. Barrios:- ward one (precinct one) and ward two (precinct one)
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen:- ward one (precincts two and three), ward two (precincts two and three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts) and ward seven (all precincts)
Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (precincts one and two)
Representative Denise Provost:- ward two (precinct three), ward three (all precincts), ward four (precinct three), ward five (all precincts) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.:- ward four (precincts one and two) and ward seven (all precincts)
South Hadley
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative John W. Scibak
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Paul J. P. Loscocco :- precincts two and three
Representative Stephen P. LeDuc :- precinct one
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Mark J. Carron
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Daniel F. Keenan
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi :- precincts two and three
Representative Mark J. Carron :- precincts one and four
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts A and B) and ward six (all precincts)
Senator Brian P. Lees:- ward two (all precincts), ward five (precincts C, D, E, F, G and H), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Mary S. Rogeness:- ward six (precincts B and C)
Representative Sean Curran:- ward two (A, B, C, D, F, G and H), ward five (precincts C, D, G and H), ward 7 (precinct H) and ward eight (precincts A, B, D and H)
Representative Cheryl A. Rivera:- ward one (all precincts), ward three (precincts B, C, F, G and H) and ward six (precincts A, E and G)
Representative Benjamin Swan:- ward three (precincts A, D and E), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precincts A, B, E and F) and ward seven (precinct A), ward 8 (precinct C)
Representative Gale D. Candaras:- ward six (precincts D, F and H) and ward seven (precincts B, C, D, E, F and G)
Representative James T. Welch: ward 2 (precinct E)
Representative Thomas M. Petrolati: ward 8 (precincts E, F and G)
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis :- precinct 1
Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. :- precinct 2
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Paul C. Casey:- precincts one, two, four, five, six and seven
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts three
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative William C. Galvin:- precinct one, five, seven and eight
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precincts two, three, four and six
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Patricia A. Walrath
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Susan C. Fargo :- precincts one and four
Senator Pamela P. Resor :- precints two, three, and five
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan :- precincts one and two
Representative Paul K. Frost :- precinct three
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Representative Douglas W. Petersen
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Philip Travis:- precincts one, three, four and five
Representative Patricia A. Haddad :- precinct two
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative James H. Fagan:- ward one (precinct B), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward five (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Patricia A. Haddad:- ward one (precinct A), ward four (precinct B) and ward six (all precincts)
Representative Stephen R. Canessa:- ward four (precinct A)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
Senator Susan C. Tucker
Representative Barry R. Finegold :- precinct three and three-A
Representative James R. Miceli:- precincts one, one-A, two, two-A, four and four-A
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Frederick E. Berry
Representative Theodore C. Speliotis
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Robert S. Hargraves
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Colleen M. Garry
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski:- precinct three
Representative Jennifer M. Callahan:- precincts one, two and four
Senator Richard R. Tisei
Representative Mark V. Falzone:- precincts one, two and seven
Representative Michael E. Festa:- precincts three, four, five and six
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator James E. Timilty
Representative John H. Rogers:- precincts one, two, six and seven
Representative Louis L. Kafka:- precincts three and four
Representative Richard J. Ross:- precinct five
Representative Robert K. Coughlin:- precinct eight
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Thomas M. Stanley:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts) and ward seven (precinct one)
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (precinct 2), ward eight (all precincts) and ward nine (all precincts)
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola:- precincts B and C
Representative Anne M. Gobi:- precinct A
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
Representative Susan Williams Gifford
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Todd M. Smola
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Christopher J. Donelan
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Steven A. Tolman
Representative Rachel Kaprielian:- precincts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven and twelve
Representative Peter J. Koutoujian:- precinct ten
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Susan W. Pope
Senator Richard T. Moore
Representative Paul Kujawski
Senator Cynthia Stone Creem:- precincts A, C, D and E
Senator Scott P. Brown:- precincts B, F and G
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Shirley Gomes
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Bradford Hill
West Boylston
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Representative James B. Leary:
West Bridgewater
Senator Brian A. Joyce
Representative Christine E. Canavan
West Brookfield
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
Representative Anne M. Gobi
West Newbury
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative Harriett L. Stanley
West Springfield
Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti
Representative James T. Welch
West Stockbridge
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative William Smitty Pignatelli
West Tisbury
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Eric Turkington
Senator Pamela P. Resor
Representative Karyn E. Polito:- precincts one and four
Representative Paul J.D. Loscocco:- precinct two
Representative George N. Peterson, Jr.:- precincts three and five
Senator Michael R. Knapik
Representative Donald F. Humason, Jr.
Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos
Representative Geoffrey D. Hall
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Peter V. Kocot
Senator Robert A. Antonioni
Representative Lewis G. Evangelidis
Senator Susan C. Fargo
Representative Alice Hanlon Peisch
Senator Joan M. Menard
Representative Michael J. Rodrigues
Senator Marian Walsh
Representative Robert K. Coughlin
Senator Robert L. Hedlund
Representative James M. Murphy:- precincts one, two, three, four, seven, eight, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, seventeen and eighteen
Representative Ronald Mariano:- precincts five, six, nine, twelve, sixteen
Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Robert S. Creedon, Jr..
Representative Kathleen M. Teahan
Senator Brian P. Lees
Representative Gale D. Candaras
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Daniel E. Bosley
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Representative James R. Miceli:- precincts one, two, four, five and six
Representative Charles A. Murphy:- precinct three
Senator Stephen M. Brewer
House Seat Vacant
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Representative Paul C. Casey
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Denis E. Guyer
Senator Robert E. Travaglini
Representative Robert A. DeLeo
Senator Robert A. Havern:- wards one, three, four, five, six and seven
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen:- ward two
Representative Patrick M. Natale:- precincts two, three, four, five and six
Representative Jay R. Kaufman:- precincts one and seven
Senator Harriette L. Chandler:- ward one (all precincts), ward two (all precincts), ward three (all precincts), ward four (all precincts), ward nine (all precincts) and ward ten (all precincts)
Senator Edward M. Augustus, Jr.:- ward five (all precincts), ward six (all precincts), ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (all precincts)
Representative Robert P. Spellane:- ward one (precincts one, two, three and four), ward nine (all precincts), and ward ten (precinct three)
Representative James B. Leary:- ward one (precinct five), ward two (all precincts) and ward three (precincts one, three and five)
Representative Vincent A. Pedone:- ward three (precincts two and four), ward four (all precincts), ward five (precinct three) and ward ten (precincts one, two, four and five)
Representative John P. Fresolo:- ward five (precincts one, two, four and five), ward six (all precincts) and ward eight (precincts one and five)
Representative John J. Binienda:- ward seven (all precincts) and ward eight (precincts two and four)
Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.
Representative Stephen Kulik
Senator Scott P. Brown
Representative Richard J. Ross
Senator Robert O'Leary
Representative Cleon H. Turner:- precincts one, two, four and seven
Representative Demetrius J. Atsalis:- precincts three, five and six
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Bayard Rustin, The Gay Man Behind MLK

A comment from a reader named John made me post this:
Bayard Rustin
A master strategist and tireless activist, Bayard Rustin is best remembered as the organizer of the 1963 March on Washington, one of the largest nonviolent protests ever held in the United States. He brought Gandhi’s protest techniques to the American civil rights movement, and helped mold Martin Luther King, Jr. into an international symbol of peace and nonviolence.
Despite these achievements, Rustin was silenced, threatened, arrested, beaten, imprisoned and fired from important leadership positions, largely because he was an openly gay man in a fiercely homophobic era. Five years in the making and the winner of numerous awards, BROTHER OUTSIDER presents a feature-length documentary portrait, focusing on Rustin’s activism for peace, racial equality, economic justice and human rights.
Today, the United States is still struggling with many of the issues Bayard Rustin sought to change during his long, illustrious career. His focus on civil and economic rights and his belief in peace, human rights and the dignity of all people remain as relevant today as they were in the 1950s and 60s.
Rustin’s biography is particularly important for lesbian and gay Americans, highlighting the major contributions of a gay man to ending official segregation in America. Rustin stands at the confluence of the great struggles for civil, legal and human rights by African-Americans and lesbian and gay Americans. In a nation still torn by racial hatred and violence, bigotry against homosexuals, and extraordinary divides between rich and poor, his eloquent voice is needed today.
In February 1956, when Bayard Rustin arrived in Montgomery to assist with the nascent bus boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr. had not personally embraced nonviolence. In fact, there were guns inside King’s house, and armed guards posted at his doors. Rustin persuaded boycott leaders to adopt complete nonviolence, teaching them Gandhian nonviolent direct protest.
Apart from his career as an activist, Rustin the man was also fun-loving, mischievous, artistic, gifted with a fine singing voice, and known as an art collector who sometimes found museum-quality pieces in New York City trash. Historian John D’Emilio calls Rustin the "lost prophet" of the civil rights movement.
A Biography of Bayard Rustin
by Walter Naegle
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