Monday, February 04, 2008

Mad Dad Parker Loses Again!

As expected, Mad Dad Parker has lost his bid to exercise a "Helker's Veto" over the Lexington School System perfectly reasonable use of books that treat gay families with equal dignity.

Please read Massmarrier's outstanding legal analysis.


massmarrier said...

That's a key concept, John. It's astonishing that they so shameless try to figuratively shout down equality, fairness, and those other American virtues.

Poring over the two decisions in this case makes me sure there is no grounds for the Supreme Court to consider it. The Appeals Court was very clear in the lack of federal issues in their claims. Yet, they certainly will try.

Paul Jamieson said...

Let's take the kindergarten lesson one step further and teach the little ones about HIV/AIDS, anal fistulas, colon injury, colon parasites, deadly hepatitis C and the many other joys of this wonderful lifestyle. Don't discount the anal rimming, golden showers, and FISTING which they will no doubt partake of.

This country is full of naive, politically correct ignoramuses who know nothing whatsoever about this lifestyle. Why don't you educate yourselves on this before you tout it to innocent children as desirable and viable?

John said...

I rather hope they do try, so convinced am I that the have no chance.

A quick denial of cert without comment will sting.

John Hosty said...

I have disabled comment moderation in order to provide more interactive conversation here.

Mr. Jamieson has nipples in a twist again, and if I'm going to have to suffer his prattle I might as well allow all to read it.

Go ahead Paul, you have the floor again, what's on your "mind"? Tell all you know about the GLBT "lifestyle". Let's here from your expert knowledge... ;)

Paul Jamieson said...

ok lets start with this;

Gay bowel syndrome, which has also been described as gay bowel disease, was named as an illness in 1976 in the medical literature via the journal Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science and in 2004 Medscape stated that gay bowel syndrome is a significant issue in regards HIV infection (The Johns Hopkins HIV Guide website also features an article which is essentially a duplicate of the aforementioned article at Medscape).[1][2][3][4]

Gay bowel syndrome is a clinical pattern of anorectal and colon diseases which occur with unusual frequency in homosexual patients (the diseases are not exclusive to male homosexuals).[5][6][7]
The abstract for the 1976 journal article published in Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science entitled The gay bowel syndrome: clinico-pathologic correlation in 260 cases describes gay bowel syndrome in the following manner:

“ The clinical and pathological findings in a group of 260 homosexual men comprising 10% of a private proctologic practice are reviewed. A clinical pattern of anorectal and colon diseases encountered with unusual frequency in these homosexual patients is termed the gay bowel syndrome. The clinical diagnoses in decreasing order of frequency include condyloma acuminata, hemorrhoids, nonspecific proctitis, anal fistula, perirectal abscess, anal fissure, amebiasis, benign polyps, viral hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, anorectal trauma and foreign bodies, shigellosis, rectal ulcers and lymphogranuloma venereum.[8]

Paul Jamieson said...

Paul Jamieson said...

The latest is a strain of bacteria known as USA300. The codename makes it sound like a patriotic sporting event, but to judge by recent media coverage USA300 is a harbinger of apocalypse. 'Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community,' screamed a recent headline in the Independent. 'SF gay community an epicenter for new strain of virulent staph,' echoed the San Francisco Chronicle, a paper usually sensitive to the concerns of the city's large gay population.

One long-time Castro resident who asked to remain anonymous told the Observer Magazine: 'I have a friend who died after three bouts of this bug. I know it's a bacteria, but there's so much fear around staph now that a lot of people are afraid to get treatment.'

Paul Jamieson said...

my point here is - if you are going to educate the children about homosexuality, you need to tell the whole story

John Hosty said...

Paul, let's pretend for a moment that Focus on Family has credible sources. Let's also pretend that Dobson does not distort his citations so much that those professors quoted no longer find the need to YouTube their outrage, like Professor Gilligan. Here's the link in case you forget what I refer to:

This is only one example of how he and your friends use lies instead of truth. There are plenty of others I won't bother to list.

So how is it that anal action is exclusively gay?

John Hosty said...

why is everything a harbinger to the Apocolypse according to Christian radicals? Knowledge, not fear, is going to save a kids life when dealing with any dangerous situation. I'll give you that there are diseases out there that we should be concerned about, so I really don't understand how we help our kids by not talking about sex in school.

We are never going to see eye to eye Paul, you simply don't like gay people. What we can agree on is a curriculumn that is best suited to children's need to know. We don't have to say gay is right or wrong, we can simply say what it is. If you want to teach your children your hate you can do it at home and not on my tax dollar.

Paul Jamieson said...

its not that " I simply don't like gay people" Hosty

You are now way off topic and cannot debate this issue

The point is, if we are going to teach kindergarteners about sex, then they should know about sexual diseases

There are diseases particular to homo sex as there are hetero sex

Yet people want to rid the lexicon of terms like "gay bowel disease"

some parents do not want their children exposed to this lifestyle

can't you accept that?

Paul Jamieson said...

I simply don't like liberals

John Hosty said...

At an early age children need to be socialized to the variety of differences there are in our culture. We don't have to teach children that one is right over the other. I learned all about Muslims in school, it never made me one. I do however know how to treat someone who is different from me with respect, and that is invaluable in our society. There is no good reason to exclude the GLBT community from this understanding.

Children of GLBT couples go to school with other kids, they talk about home, so there is no shelter for those who wish to keep their kids deaf dumb and blind to what they disapprove of. That's how life works Paul, you need to learn how to deal with that. So does Mr. Parker.

Paul Jamieson said...

"Children of GLBT couples go to school with other kids, they talk about home, so there is no shelter for those who wish to keep their kids deaf dumb and blind to what they disapprove of. That's how life works Paul, you need to learn how to deal with that. So does Mr. Parker"

This is BS

This is the lie you try to tell in order to make this normal and innocuous.

A very tiny minority of kids with 2 mommies or daddies shouldn't be allowed to change the entire curriculum of a school.

Again - special rights for homosexuals

You make it sound like the world is overrun by kids with gay parents

wrong - your liberal feelings are all caught up in the fact that one little child in kindergarten might be offended that they don't have biological parents anymore

give us a break and grow up

Paul Jamieson said...

oh and your Dr Gilligan

In Psychology, as in other academic disciplines, the normal process is to conduct research on significant numbers of subjects, have the methodology and results peer reviewed, publish the research, then perhaps cross over to mass media. Gilligan has used Harvard's cache to ignore this responsible and time honored protocol. She used tiny samples, reached unwarranted conclusions, rushed them into print on the mass market, and started making the talk show circuit. Now, over 20 years later and after thirty some reprintings, she still has not published her research! Furthermore, she refuses to allow other researchers to see her data!

Women may be less competitive than men, but there is no real evidence to support Gilligan's other claims that women, across the board are more caring and less abstract. Gilligan has used selective and tortured data to prop up her thesis that Western culture is toxic to America's adolescent girls. "In a Different Voice" is readable and thought provoking, and Gilligan has been extremely influential in that her "findings" have impacted attitudes, and led to a redistribution of scarce resources, but Harvard should be ashamed of the poverty of her scholarship.

Fannie Wolfe said...

So, when teaching about heterosexuality Paul, would you also advocate for teaching about the "diseases particular to hetero sex" alongside the diseases particular to "homo sex"?

I'm sure you are well aware that chlamydia is at epidemic proportions particularly among African-American and Hispanic youth. In addition, heterosexual African-Americans are one of the fastest-growing populations at risk for HIV/AIDS. African-American and Hispanic women are at much higher risk for contracting chlamydia. And, rates of gonorrhea have been increasing in recent years, particularly among young adults, teenagers, and African-Americans.

Do you want children to learn about these facts when they learn that African-Americans and Hispanics should have equal rights? Or, would you jump in make the implication that African-Americans' having sex is immoral?

Would you even go there? I highly doubt it. But that's exactly what you're doing to gay men.

Are you at all concerned about these alarming statistics, and spreading these statistics about heterosexual sex?

More importantly, are you really out to inform children, or to use discredited statistics, scare tactics, and outdated medical terminology to make sure everyone shares your view that gay sex is wrong?

See, the thing about people like you and Jose Solano (who has made similar arguments) is that rather than seeing certain sexual behaviors and unsafe sex as being the cause of STDs, you see gay people as being the cause. Anal sex is not limited to gay men. HIV/AIDS is not limited to gay men. Chlamydia is not limited to African-Americans or Hispanics or women. So rather than making the implication that gayness causes these infections, how about do us all a huge public health service and admit that it's unsafe behaviors that cause these infections.

The CDC's website is full of relevant public health information, I urge you to read it.

Oh yeah...

One more thing, as lesbians are the lowest risk group for any sexually transmitted disease, what's your beef with them? Or do only fags disgust you?

Fannie Wolfe said...

"You make it sound like the world is overrun by kids with gay parents"

No, Paul. That would be you.

John Hosty said...

Paul, asking for equal representation is not a special right, it's equality in action. Mentioning that there are also families that have two mommies or two daddies does not create a special right. However, deliberately ommiting them while discussing families does constitute oppression. It suggests that there is something wrong with them, and that is not unilaterally true of any group of people.

As far as your foo-fooing of Professor Gilligan's work, I'll take her word over your any day unless you can prove you are more knowledgable than she. ;)

John Hosty said...

Fannie, I doubt we are going to get through. This exercise is for the readers who aren't posting.

People like Paul point to the decline in marriage and say that gay marriage will ruin America. With only one state that actually has gay marriage, and according to their claims that gay people represent less than 1% of the population, I'd like to know exactly how this is supposed to occur.

No, equality is not wrong, but bigotry is. It's time we took America into the promised land MLK spoke of and end all forms of discrimination. We as a people will be stronger, and it will give us back our edge we need to stay the leaders of the free world.

Paul Jamieson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Fannie Wolfe said...


You point out quite the paradox in the bigot handbook:

One the one hand, gays are such a tiny proportion of the population that we shouldn't change our laws "just for them."

But on the other hand, if gay people have equal rights it WILL RUIN EVERYTHING!!

Fannie Wolfe said...


I urge you to re-read my post and re-think your hasty ad hom.

(Weapon of Mass Projection, much?)

Fannie Wolfe said...

'Cuz I'm pretty sure I said:

Paul, would you also advocate for teaching about the "diseases particular to hetero sex" alongside the diseases particular to "homo sex"? IN DIRECT RESPONSE TO YOUR POST.

Answer my questions at your pleasure. Your competency, as they say, is on display "smarty-pants."

Paul Jamieson said...

"No, Paul. That would be you. "

do you even read? you are so agenda driven

wrong again - I say phooey to the argument that we teach everybody one way because one kid in the class is "special"

the reality is these kids make up less than 1/10th of 1% of the entire population

John Hosty said...

Paul, I've deleted your comment because your use of personal attacks. stick to the subject and don't redeuce yourself to insults, you're better than that.

Paul Jamieson said...



Paul Jamieson said...

"'Cuz I'm pretty sure I said:

Paul, would you also advocate for teaching about the "diseases particular to hetero sex" alongside the diseases particular to "homo sex"? IN DIRECT RESPONSE TO YOUR POST.

Answer my questions at your pleasure. Your competency, as they say, is on display "smarty-pants."

Are you really that stupid

and if I hear that stupid latin phrase again from someone too stupid to use it I am going to throw up



John Hosty said...

Congratulations Paul, I didn't know you believed in evolution. Well, it's a step in the right direction anyway...

Have you visited You might find it enlightening to know that in the millions of years of evolution there has ALWAYS been homosexuals in many species.

Homosexuality is not a choice Paul, we've done nothing wrong by loving those we do. This is not something I could change even if I tried. I know, I've have tried, and I'm not going back to that dark self loahting place. The whole point of coming onto the KTN blog and creating this one was to make sure I took as many people out of that dark place as I can.

Sorry you can't understand what good neighbors gay people can make, but that's your choice to feel that way. If you can dismiss all the good things a man has done with his life by the mere fact he is gay, what's that say about you?

Fannie Wolfe said...

It's sad that some of the most vocal anti-gay bigots, rather than engaging in respectful dialogue, are only able to reduce themselves to personal attacks. I asked Paul very specific questions and the best he could do was to say "you stupid, me smart."

I hope the lurkers here are enjoying the show!

Each time Paul speaks he further discredits the anti-gay movement of which he is a part.

Grab some popcorn folks, and let's watch Paul talk himself into irrelevancy.

John Hosty said...

I asked him before if he thought that anal sex was something that only gay people did, but I guess that answer is filed next to yours.

Pauls seems to be unabashedly unashamed of his behavior, no matter how poorly he behaves. I feel qualified to say this because I've exchanged hundreds if not thousands of comments with him, and he is always this way. Whenever he can't answer someone, or they make a good point, he gets mad.

Sorry Paul, that's just not good enough in the real world. People are starting to change with the times. We were overdue for a spiritual rebirth and renaissance. Now that it is here people who have a hard time with change are going to have to learn to deal with it. People are standing up to the David Parkers of the world and saying, "No more".

ryan charisma said...


John / Fanny - 5 points

Paul - 0 points


You lose! Now go.

Paul Jamieson said...

sorry but I won the argument that was "teaching kids about sex in kindergarten is wrong"

It was the long winded, "I hate gays, equality for everyone, yes we can, and I can think of more ways to sound smarter than you" argument that I will always lose.

Hosty et al are far better at confusing arguments than me.

John said...


Paul Jamieson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Hosty said...

Again I have deleted your post because of your use of petty insults. You can argue any points you want Paul, just don't lower the conversation into name calling and it's like. I will delete your comments every time you do this, so if you want to be heard, find another way to communicate yourself.

Paul Jamieson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Hosty said...

Like I said Paul, learn to communicate your thoughts without the petty insults or lose your opportunity to be heard. The choice is yours.

Paul Jamieson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Hosty said...

Paul, I'm not afraid of you, I just won't permit my blog to become a voice for your hate. If you want to meet in person and talk eye to eye you just let me know... ;)

My offer has been open since you tried intimidating other people like 60 year old Mark with a heart condition on KTN. There were others too...

Paul Jamieson said...

LOL nice try

have a nice life

John Hosty said...

Paul, whether you like it or not we are neighbors of the same area of the state. You can either learn to work with people towards a common understanding, or you can be the bitter little pill you have been for the past 3 years.

You own what you do, and you are in charge of your own happiness. I sincerely hope your chikdren turn out more mature than you.

Paul Jamieson said...

boy are you angry

have a nice, I mean, miserable life

Fannie Wolfe said...

So, let me get this straight. On the one hand, Paul doesn't think kids should learn about sex. But on the other hand he thinks they should learn about gay sex and "gay bowel disease." Oh yeah, and he wants them to learn about this while they also learn about the dangers of "hetero sex." Not that he wants kids to learn about sex, though.

Paul, it seems, can't even make up his mind if he wants kids to learn about sex or not.

It sure looks like he can't even keep his own excuse to hate gay people straight.

Paul, some advice:

Tighten up your arguments against gay people. Try to remember what it is you are arguing, subtract your hatred and animosity, add a little civility, and then we can talk like rational human beings.

But I'm sorta done wasting my time when thus far all you've proven yourself capable of us petty namecalling, insults, and self-contradictory and illogical statements.

Boston Bud said...

John, Kudos for you for dealing with this crack pot. This guy appears to have some serious issues with concentrating on sex. Someone has a little too much time on their hands!

Paul Jamieson said...

not enough time to start my own blog and post slanderous acusations about anyone not on board with my agenda

like yous guys

John Hosty said...

"Tighten up your arguments against gay people. Try to remember what it is you are arguing, subtract your hatred and animosity, add a little civility, and then we can talk like rational human beings."

That's sound advice Paul, I'd take it. You'd actually be a lot more effective at your cause if you could seperate yourself from your emotions long enough to make your points. A good argument makes the world a better place. It does so by making us think.

Paul Jamieson said...


Carl Stanley McGee, a married aide to Deval Patrick and an instrumental force in the marriage fight is accused of molesting a 15 boy in a steam room in FL

Is this the type of person we want in the administration?

John Hosty said...

Clearly this is not a person who should be in public service, or around children.

ryan charisma said...


MIAMI - A church deacon was arrested in Miami on Sunday in connection with the rape of a 15-year-old girl. Irvin Van Jenkins, 46, is charged with sexual battery, kidnapping and lewd and lascivious molestation of a child

Is this the type of guy we want in religon?


Republican, Hypocrit - same thing.

Paul Jamieson said...

how do you know he is Republican? Because he is a church deacon?

Are you really that stupid?

Anonymous said...

Wow. All I can say is Paul does not help his cause one bit by ranting like he does. His anger is overflowing, and very apparent. Maybe counceling would help.

Paul Jamieson said...
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Anonymous said...

Very mature Paul. Grow up. You only prove John right with name calling. Guess you don't have real arguments to stand on after all.

Paul Jamieson said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Hosty said...

Like I said before Paul, make your points without using insults or they will simply be deleted and forgotten.

Paul Jamieson said...

ok rufus - answer the question